How to get refund from Fuzhou Airlines?


How to change flight date / postpone / cancel the booked flight in Fuzhou Airline?

Change / reschedule your travel date in Fuzhou:

Here are the procedure to do online. You can also contact the travel agent to change your flight date

  1. Visit
  2. Enter the booking code, first name, last name (or)
  3. Enter Lufthansa ID, Email, Password (or)
  4. Miles & More user ID / Number and Password / Pin
  5. Click “Log in”
  6. Select the date you want to reschedule
  7. Confirm the submission.

How to get refund from Fuzhou airlines for unused / partially used flight tickets?

By online

  1. Visit
  2. Go to “My Bookings” and Click ‘request a refund’ under Flight details
  3. Enter the required details and make the payment if applicable.
  4. Enter 13-digit Fuzhou ticket number, Booking code & Passenger details.
  5. Click “Submit”.

Through Fuzhou Call Centre

  • Online customer service | 95071666
    If you want to inquire about the product business of related air tickets (flight inquiry, ticket purchase, refund and change, standby, etc.) to print the reimbursement certificate on the spot, please contact the airport sales counter.
    Fuzhou Airport Business Counter:
    Tel: 0591-28013388
    Address: Fuzhou Airlines Ticket Counter, No. 4, Departure Hall, 2nd Floor, Changle International Airport
    Working hours: Monday to Sunday 06:30-21:00
    24-hour complaint acceptance telephone: 95071666 ext. 7
  • Enter the 13-digit Fuzhou ticket number, booking code
  • Enter the passenger name
  • Click ‘Submit’
  • Your request will be processed manually by the Fuzhou customer service person.

Through travel agent

  • If you have booked a Fuzhou flight ticket through any travel agent, please contact them for a refund.

Fuzhou Airlines Offices Worldwide

Find Fuzhou Airlines Reservation | Town | Sales | Airport Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country

Fuzhou Baggage Allowance

View Fuzhou Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges, Airport Baggage rates in the above link.

How to get refund from Fuzhou Airlines?

Fuzhou Airlines Refund service (B2B and official website):

To get a refund from Fuzhou Airlines for any reason such as you cannot travel / illness, you may provide the following proof

  • Medical records of hospitals above the county level (copy).
  • Certificate of hospital issued by a hospital above the county level (copy)
  • 200 yuan (inclusive) or more medical bills printed by computer at or above the county level (copy)

Please send the above proofs to the marketing department of Fuzhou Airlines company by express delivery. After receiving the mail, the marketing department will have a special person to review. If it is true, the ticket will be refunded according to Fuzhou Airlines Rules.

Retirement application: Individuals must submit and cancel their seats before the flight departure time, provide a regular medical certificate signed by the doctor at the county level or above, medical records and 200 yuan for hospital computer printing. The above medical bills (some hospitalized passengers who do not have a computer to print medical bills can issue the hospital’s official seal after printing the billing details). Please provide a copy of the above information and note that only the use of Fu Hang’s illnesses will be refunded. The original will be mailed for archiving. Registration will not be refunded.

Remarks: As the return of the disease is based on the original refund method, the BSP refund, ticket office, call center, and team network are refunded. Please contact the original ticketing place or point of purchase for application.

Refund ticket: 0591-83590707

Contact email to get for refund at Fuzhou Airlines: [email protected]

B2B and official website sick return materials address: Jintai Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, Jintai New Village, Building 2, 2nd floor, Fuzhou Airlines flagship store, Fu Hang, retired treatment staff (receiving)

Team Network Refunds: 0591-83503293

Team Network Disease Retirement Material Address: No.2 Building, No.2, Jintai New Village, Jintai Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou, Fujian, China Fuzhou Airlines Flagship Store Fuzhou Sales Department Channel Sales (Acquisition)

Business hours: Monday to Sunday 09:00-18:00

Service Quality Supervision Tel:0591-28013800,0591-28013851

Service Quality Supervision Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Working hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00. Closed on weekends and public holidays.


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