Air Macau Checked Baggage Allowance / Size / Weight / Fare Types

Cabin Class Adult(12 +) Childļ¼ˆ2-11ļ¼‰ Infant(under 2 years old)
Business Class 40Kg 40Kg 10Kg
Joy economy class 30Kg 30Kg 10Kg
Economy Class 25Kg 25Kg 10Kg

Air Macau Checked Baggage Allowance

When you arrive you at the airport to check in the purchase voucher or inform the staff that you have purchased prepaid luggage

How to pack your Checked Baggage items at Air Macau Airlines?

How can a Checked Baggage be Collected / Delivery at Air Macau?

You should claim your checked baggage at your destination or stopover soonly. Air Macau will dispose of the baggage without further notice or any liability to you, if you failed within 3 months after the day of arrival.

How to claim the checked bag?

To claim the checked baggage, the passenger must holds the baggage check and the baggage identification tag. Air Macau will inspect passengersā€™ tickets. The airlines is not responsible for any losses and costs arising from the situation where you are not the person who actually claims your checked baggage.

Travelers unable to present the baggage check and the baggage identification tag, Air Macau will deliver the baggage to such person only if he or she establishes to Air Macau satisfaction his or her right to the baggage.

If your checked baggage carried on the same flight, except the situation it carried on a different flight for reasons of operations, safety and security. if it is put onto a subsequent flight due to any reasons on Air Macau part, the airline will be responsible for delivering the baggage to you.

If your baggage is delayed due to any any reason, no baggage safekeeping fee is collected from Air Macau.

For more details visit:

What are the prohibited items from carriage as or in Checked Baggage?

Prohibited and Restricted Items at the Airport

Items that not allowed to carry on Air Macau Checked baggage


What things can carry on Checked baggage?

  1. Precision instruments and electric devices carried as cargo. It must packed properly and pay baggage fee separately.
  2. If the precision instrument not fit for carriage in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, you must inform priorly to the Airline.
  3. Firearms and ammunitions for hunting and sporting purposes carried as checked baggage (must unloaded for safety and doesn’t count in free checked baggage allowance, requires fees separately).
  4. Sharp tools and blunt tools (kitchen knives, fruit knives, meal knives, knife for handicraft production, scissors, files, axes, hammers and clubs, except knives) and other items highly regulated by the government, should be carried in checked baggage.
  5. Dry ice, liquid drinks, cosmetics containing alcohol.
  6. Electric wheelchair (due to illness, health and age or due to leg bone fracture).
  7. Small animals, guide dogs and hearing dogs specified.
  8. Small animal container and food do not count in your free baggage allowance, but are subject to separate excess baggage fee based on the applicable standards.

Air Macau Excess Baggage

Air Macau Hand | Cabin Baggage

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1. What is the baggage allowance in Air Macau Economy Class?

2. Can I take 2 bags as checked luggage?



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