Arnold Palmer Regional Airport in Latrobe, USA Contact Address, Phone number, Email, Location Map, Website
Working hours
Phone: +1 724-539-8100Email:
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport Website:
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport IATA code: LBE
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport ICAO code: KLBE
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport FAA code: LBE
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May I request that for all future Air Shows at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport that an ACCURATE list of road closures be published and made READILY accessible to all interested residents of the immediate surrounding area?
This year (2019) a portion of Sessi Road ITSELF was completely “blocked” for a period of time.
The blockage of Sessi Road was NOT described in ANY pre-show communications – only SIDE roads leading into/away from Sessi = Earhart and Haines.
Sessi Road is a MAJOR use road for MANY residents of this area – we need to know BEFOREHAND if it will not be available for ANY specific timeperiod.