DAT LT Airline Customer Care Phone number | Email

DAT LT, formerly named DOT LT, is an airline from Lithuania, that offers worldwide ACMI services using a small fleet of passenger and cargo aircraft. It is a subsidiary of Danish DAT. The airline was established and started operations in 2003.   DAT LT Airline Official website: https://dat.dk/ Check DAT LT Airline Online check-in : […]

DAT LT (DOT LT) Airline in Karmelava, Lithuania

DAT LT, formerly named DOT LT, is an airline from Lithuania, that offers worldwide ACMI services using a small fleet of passenger and cargo aircraft. It is a subsidiary of Danish DAT. The airline was established and started operations in 2003.   DAT LT Airline in Karmelava, Lithuania contact Address, Phone, Email, Fax and Website […]

DAT LT Airline Baggage Allowance

DAT LT, formerly named DOT LT, is an airline from Lithuania, that offers worldwide ACMI services using a small fleet of passenger and cargo aircraft. It is a subsidiary of Danish DAT. The airline was established and started operations in 2003. DAT LT Airline Carry-on Baggage Allowance The maximum weight of hand luggage is 8kg. […]