Rise Air in Saskatoon, Canada Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel during Pregnancy

Rise Air in Saskatoon, Canada Phone number, Address, Email, Working hours Rise Air is a scheduled and charter airline primarily serving the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Its headquarters and main base are in Saskatoon. Rise Air, a First Nations owned airline, was formed in 2021 by the merger of Transwest Airlines and West Wind Aviation. […]
Rise Air Baggage Allowance

Rise Air Baggage Information Safety regulations require that all carry-on baggage conforms to the following specifications: No more than two (2) pieces, when combined, not to exceed 20cm x 43cm x 38cm (8in x 17in x 15in). A sizing device is provided in each terminal. The maximum combined weight for cabin baggage is 6kg (13lbs). […]