Heston Airlines is a Lithuanian charter airline company. Launched during 2021, Heston operates three Airbus A320-200 aircraft and has three wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft ordered for early 2022. Heston Airlines founded in 2016.


Heston Airlines in Vilnius, Lithuania contact Address, Email and Website

Address :Ā Pylimo str. 58, Vilnius, LT-03107, Lithuania

Phone:Ā  NA

Email: info@heston.aero; Customer support: customer@heston.aero, Sales: sales@heston.aero, Talent Management Team: people@heston.aero

Heston Airlines Official website: https://heston.aero/

How to Online Check-in in Heston airlines?

You may check-in 72 hours prior to your flight departure.

How to Online Check-in in Heston airlines

  1. Visit https://newcheckin.abomis.com/
  2. Enter your booking reference / ticket number
  3. Enter your first / last name
  4. Select “Check In”.

Services available at Heston airlines

How to request service from Heston airlines?

How to request service from Heston airlines

  1. Visit https://heston.aero/request
  2. Enter your name
  3. Enter the email address
  4. Select the topic you need to have.
  5. Click ‘Send’.

How to get claims in Heston Airlines?

Claims may be submitted by e-mail: info@heston.aero

For any claiming in Heston Airlines, you may use this Claim Form

You should present the below documents for claim,

Special Assistance / Pregnancy / Pet Services at Heston Airlines

Special Assistance services

Infants / children / minors:

Unaccompanied minors:

How did a Passengers get special needs?

Travelling during pregnancy

  1. Weeks Restrictions 0 ā€“ 27 weeks of single pregnancy / 0 ā€“ 27 weeks of multiple pregnancy Clearance not required
  2. 28 ā€“ 36 weeks of single pregnancy / 28 ā€“ 36 weeks of multiple pregnancy Medical certificate required from 37th week of single pregnancy or multiple pregnancy Not allowed to travel.
  3. Medical certificates must be dated within 14 days of flight departure.
  4. After the 28th week of pregnancy, Passenger assumes full responsibility for any consequences during the flight.

All medical certificates must include this information:

**NOTE: Air travel is prohibited for women after 7 days of delivery.

Expectant mothers who cannot present a pregnancy passport / medical certificate / pregnancy statement to prove their stage of pregnancy may be denied boarding for safety reasons if the airline representative has doubts that the Passenger can withstand the flight without requiring extraordinary care.

How to travel with your loved Pets in the cabin?

Note: While carrying Pets between countries on connecting by flights, all consequences resulting from each local law and rule/regulation related to animal carriage are the Passengerā€™s own responsibility.

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Heston Airlines

Total Fleets: 14

Heston Airlines Baggage allowance

Heston Airlines Baggage
View Heston Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.

Contact Heston airlines on Social Media

Queries handled by Heston Airlines Customer care:

Schedule, eBooking, Rescheduling, Track and Trace, Charter Service Queries, Trucking service Queries, e-claims Flight Information, Missing Luggage, Delayed Flights. Pharma, pets, valuable, perishable goods and extra care shipment queries.

Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Heston Airlines in Vilnius, Lithuania Ā Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.

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