Sri Lankan Airlines: How to file a complaint related to baggage / flight delay / cancellation / FlySmiLes (Frequent Flyer)?

  1. Visit Sri Lankan Airlines Complaint Website
  2. Select the category in which you would like to make a complaint
  3. If it is related to baggage, then select bags and choose the sub category as damage / missing / delayed and submit a claim relevant to your selection
  4. If your topic is about to complain about the airline, then choose compliments and complaints and select the reason.
  5. If it is delayed / cancelled flight, enter the contact details: name, country, address, city, state, postal code, email, phone number, Frequent flyer number
  6. Enter the Flight number, date, origin, destination, class of travel.
  7. Additional information if you would like to enter.
  8. Submit.
File a complaint with Sri Lankan Airlines baggage flight delay cancellation FlySmiLes
File a complaint with Sri Lankan Airlines baggage flight delay cancellation FlySmiLes

How to file a complaint related to baggage / flight delay / cancellation in Sri Lankan Airlines?

How to file a complaint with Sri Lankan Airlines baggage flight delay cancellation
How to file a complaint with Sri Lankan Airlines baggage flight delay cancellation

Sri Lankan Airlines Customer Care Phone number | Email

Check the above link to know the Sri Lankan Airlines customer care phone number, email etc

How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Sri Lankan Airlines?

View How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Sri Lankan Airlines through the above link.

Sri Lankan Airline Vacations Customer Care Phone number, Packages, Requirements

View Sri Lankan Airline Vacations Customer Care Phone number, Packages, Requirements through the above link.

List of Sri Lankan Airlines Offices

Find Sri LankanĀ Airlines Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country


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