Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) / Schiphol Airport Car Rentals

Can a tourist rent a car from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol?

Documents required to rent a car from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

What is the eligibility / minimum age to rent a car at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol ?

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) Car Rental Customer Care Phone number, Address, Email

Car Rental and Service Desk: Schiphol Plaza, the airport’s main foyer. You may follow the ‘Car Rental’ signs, fill the necessary forms and the desk staff guide you to the nearby pick-up point.

Return your rental car: Take the A4 to Schiphol, follow the ‘Car Rental Return’ signs (Tank up on the way).

Car Rental Name Phone Opening Hours Website
Avis   +31 88 284 7620 06:00 – 23:30
Budget  +31 88 284 7500 06:00 – 23:30
Enterprise Rent-A-Car  +31 20 740 0950 06:00 – 23:00
Europcar  +31 20 316 4190 Mon-Fri: 06:30 – 23:00
Sat-Sun 07:00 – 23:00
Hertz  +31 20 502 0240 06:00 – 23:30
Sixt  +31 20 405 9090 06:30 – 23:00

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) Car Rental Location Map

Taxi Services at Schiphol Airport

You can choose a regular taxi, a luxury Schiphol Business Taxi or a Schiphol Travel Taxi minibus.

Standard Taxis: No reservation required. Located at Schiphol Taxi Rank. Follow the signs and floor stickers from the terminal to the official taxi rank in front of Schiphol Plaza. Fares are displayed on their meter. Credit cards are accepted and receipt will be given in printed format.

Schiphol Taxi’s: Gruops of 8 traellers are only allowed. Located at the Schiphol Airport and operated 24/7. You can access many places in the Netherlands through these little buses. Payments done by iDEAL or credit card.
For reservation, please click here.

Schiphol Business Taxi’s: Professional drivers, luxury cars and everything arranged perfectly. Book online and the taxi will arrive right at your door. To book, please visit here.

How to book / rent the car / taxi from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)?

  1. Visit the official website to book the car / book in person when you arrive at the airport
  2. Enter your pick up date and return date
  3. Select the car and book for rental
  4. Make the payment online
How to rent a Car at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol – Booking

What will be the deposit to pay when you rent a car at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in Netherlands?

There will be an approximate cost of 110 euros deposit charge to rent a car.

*The value may subject to change

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