Travelling while pregnant in Qatar Airways

Please check the procedure for expectant mothers travelling in qatar airways.

Pregnancy stage Pregnancy details Doctor’s certificate required MEDIF form required
Up to and including the 28th week

(28th week is equal to  27 weeks and 7 days)
Without complications No, but recommended to prevent delays at airport No
Beginning of 29th week up to end of 32nd week

(28 weeks + 1 day is the beginning of 29 weeks)

(32 weeks are equal to 31 weeks and 7 days)

Single pregnancy without complications Yes No
Multiple or complicated pregnancy Yes Yes
Beginning of 33rd week up to end of 35th week

(32 weeks + 1 day is the beginning of 33 weeks)

(35 weeks are equal to 34 weeks and 7 days)

Single pregnancy without complications Yes Yes
Multiple or complicated pregnancy No MEDIF required on the departure flight, but a medical certificate from a qualified doctor has to be issued within 10 days of travel date. MEDIF is required on the return flight if the passenger is entering week 33 of pregnancy during transit or before the return flight.
Beginning of 36th week and beyond

(35 weeks + 1 day and beyond)

Qatar Airways cannot accept expectant mothers in their 36th week of pregnancy or beyond for travel.

Medical certificates

Medical certificates must be written in English and include the following information:
• Patient’s name and date of birth
• Estimated date of delivery
• Proposed dates of air travel
• Confirmation of an uncomplicated single pregnancy or a multiple or complicated pregnancy
• Confirmation that patient is “fit to travel” for the entire journey, including return (where applicable)
• Date, stamp and contact details of a qualified doctor

For more information, please visit

MEDIF forms

MEDIF forms must be written in English and filled and submitted to Qatar Airways no less than 48 hours and no more than 7 days prior to departure.

For more information, please visit

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