Voslau Airfield in Bad Voslau, Austria Address / Phone / Email / Location / Website
Address : Flugplatz, 2540 Bad Voslau, Austria
Phone : +43 1 70079200, +43 17007 29220 Fax: +43 17007 29224
Email id: o ffice.loav@viennaairport.com
Hours: 0900 LOC to 8.30 pm LOC – 7 days
Voslau Airfield Official website: http://www.loav.at/
Direction: View direction here
IATA code: NA
List of Airports in Austria
Services / Facilities at Voslau Airfield
[su_column size=”1/2″]
[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#37ff6d”]
- Park or hangar spaces
- Towing Service
- Balloon rides
- Sightseeing flights
- Restaurant / catering
[su_column size=”1/2″]
[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#37ff6d”]
- Taxi
- Flight schools
- Office rental
- Event location
- Rental car
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Updated on 20/05/21