Camilo Daza International Airport in Cucuta, Colombia 1

Camilo Daza International Airport in Cucuta, Norte De Santander, Colombia Address / Phone / Email / Location / Website

International Airline
Address: Cucuta, Cucuta, North Santander, Colombia

Phone: +57 17433073


Working hours: Horario De Operaci-n:
5:00 A.m., A 12:00 A.m.

Map: View location on google map here


IATA code: CUC


Services / Facilities at Camilo Daza International Airport in Colombia

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List of Airports in Colombia

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One thought on “Camilo Daza International Airport in Cucuta, Colombia

  • Betty

    Hi dear. It is very difficult or impossible to get information about Capurgana, Colombia airport. Address, phone and flight. Can you please provide this information for me?