Evergreen Group Chairman and Founder Dr. Chang Yung-Fa established Eva Air in 1989. Eva Air head quarter is in Luzhu, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. In June 2013, EVA became a Star Alliance member, giving our passengers access to a vast network of nearly 1,400 destinations in more than 190 countries and providing seamless global services. Eva Air also offer the added benefits of geographic advantages as Taiwan steadily gains status as the Asia-Pacificās transportation hub.
Eva Air Cebu Reservation Office Address:
Mactan Cebu International Airport, Pusok Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines
Eva Air Reservation office telephone contact numbers:
Fax: 63-32-2320365
Working hours
Official website: www.evaair.com/
Eva Air Online Check-in: Eva Air Online Check-in
Note: Online Check in begins 24 hours and up to 3 hours before your flight .
Check Eva Air flight status here: Eva Air flight status
Eva Air baggage services telephone contact numbers:
For baggage inquiries : Eva Air baggage inquiries
Baggage lost and found:
Near-by Airports:
Near-by cities:
Attractions in Cebu:
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Eva Air
Total fleet: 66
- Airbus 321-200
- Airbus A330-200
- Airbus A330-300
- Boeing 747-400
- Boeing 777-300ER
- Boeing 787-10
- Boeing 747-400BDSF
- Boeing 747-400F
- Boeing 777F
Flight Ticket Booking, Ticket Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, Infinity Mileagelands
Is there any problem with reaching the Eva Air Cebu Reservation Office Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.
Rate your experience with the Eva Air Cebu Reservation Office in Philippines: (click on the stars below)
Your landline number here in Cebu is so hard to contact….i have been calling your office for almost 2 hours already…
Why am I having problems changing my flight date on line?
What is your phone number in Cebu
My flight will be on may 15 2020 via mactan to taiwan
i doubt that
Eva Air didn’t refund my fiance ticket back to the US. So, disappointing.
Its impossible to reach your number no one even want yo answer our questionsregarding the travel ban
Why didnt EVA air accept my Air Asia confirmed ticket as proof of exit from Philippines and why did EVA air make me buy another ticket with Cathay Pacific
Hard to connect .
None of the phone numbers work at least busy all day and night is improbable. Emails to Eva resulted in a robo non reply to my complaint about ticketing issues. Custom Service should only be mentioned when absent and with Eva it is absent.
The number you listed for the Cebu airport office needs to be updated. The new number is 494 7663.
i have a flight from cebu to vancouver with booking number kkk9eg and when i check online the flight from taipei to vancouver has been changed and it stated there to contact reservation. I am michele burlas from cebu city philippines, i dont have landline, can i have your globe mobile number?
I have booked w/ cheapOair a Mnl/Chc/Mnl allocation on June 13,July 18 schedule. Booking has been confirmed. EVA Air is first flight sked to Taoyuan. I would want to make sure what the baggage allowance is, pls. Thank you.
Cant change my flight online. (Cebu Philippines) Went to the MCIairport and gave me hotline number. And cannot call the number you gave me.
Hello Officer, I would like to know if you can check in your end if my friend, Edwin Calo Paglinawan, with flight no. 0272, Manila to Taipe, on March 6, Friday at 12:50pm has a New Zealand Visa reflected in your system. This has been our problem the last time he flew on March 2 but travel was unsuccessful as visa was not visible from PAL’s end. Since this is already for tomorrow and we do not have a update as of this time, we are humble asking for your assistance on this matter. Thank you very much. Sincerely. Azizia Hipe Umapas (email address: azizia.umapas@gmail.com)
Trying sĆ²oooooooooo hard to get in touch with the office for confirming if it’s in normal operation..pls reply ASAP..
May I have information on your office hours? I have been trying to call to rebook a cancelled flight on March 25 but could not get thru your phone.
Eva air my husband flight canceled by your agency . how can I get refund? I try to call your number here in cebu. Your agency phone line system drops every call. I went to your website and entered all correct information from the ticket that was purchased with his Visa Card. The bank has confirmed that the amount charged has in fact been taken out of his account. Our funds are depleted now which would have been just enough for him to get back home in the U.S. if he would have made it to Manila to catch his scheduled flight on time. He is stranded here in Cebu, no funds for food or any other way to survive.
are they responding to this system? nobody answers from the landline number written on the ticket
Just checking, we are booked on Flt BR 282 and 56. TPE then to ORD. Are we on schedule? Thanks.
My wife and myself are booked on Flt BR282 Ceb Tpe then BR56 Tpe to Ord. On Aug 13, 2020
May I know if this will push through as scheduled? Thanks
Hi!. Any update on Taiwan’s banned flights? My fiancee is sked this coming June 29th from San Francisco to Taiwan. We didn’t receive any information till now. Pls give us some update. Thank you so much.
Is your eva air office opens today saturday.
I have had a very hard time making a confirmation in a change of flight plans with Eva Airlines in Cebu City. I have been to Mactan Airport 3 times to no avail. 1st time it was wrong day, 2nd time I was there at noon and was told it was too late. 3rd time was right day and right time but was denied entry to terminal due to not possess ing a flight ticket. I believe there is a Eva Airlines office in Cebu City but can’t find info online.