Kapfenberg Airport in Kapfenberg, Austria Address / Phone / Email / Location / Website
Address : Potschachgabe 18, 8605 Kapfenberg, Austria
Phone : +43 3862 31137
Email id: office@flugplatz-kapfenberg.at
Hours: NA
Kapfenberg Airport Official website: https://www.flugplatz-kapfenberg.at/
Direction: View direction here
IATA code:Ā
List of Airports in Austria
Services / Facilities at Kapfenberg Airport
- Sightseeing flights
- Restaurant
- Hangar
Restaurant atĀ Kapfenberg Airport
Delicious warm dishes and wonderfully cool drinks as a refreshment for pilots or as a visitor to watch aircraft, everyone can enjoy and relax in a cozy atmosphere.
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday: 9 a.m. – approx. 10 p.m.
Fri and Sat: 9 a.m. – approx. 1 a.m.
Monday: day off
Online Flight Bookings
For Online booking flights, please click here.
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