Verified & Updated on: 23/01/23
Brandon Municipal Airport / Brandon Airport / McGill Fieldin Manitoba, Brandon, Canada Address, Phone number, Lost and Found contact
Brandon Municipal Airport Manitoba, Brandon Address: Brandon, Mb R7a 5y5
Phone number: 204.729.2166
Business hours: 6:00 A.m. To 8:00 P.m.
Brandon Municipal Airport Official website:
Brandon Municipal Airport Facebook :
Map: View location on google map here
IATA code: YBR
WMO code: 71140
Lost & Found:
Facilities and Services at Brandon Municipal Airport
- Free Wi-Fi
- Vending Machine
- Parking
- Car Rentals
- Free baggage (luggage) carts
- Lost and Found
- Smoking areas
Flight arrivals and departures in Brandon Municipal Airport
To check flight arrivals and departures, please visit Arrivals & Departures
Airlines in Brandon Airport
Counters open from: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:15 a.m. – 13:15 p.m. WestJet: 1-888-WESTJET
Lost and Found at Brandon Airport
Items left behind at Brandon Municipal Airport are turned in to different agencies depending on where they are found. You can contact, Aircraft or Boarding Area | The air carrier you flew with:
- Brandon Flying Center | 204-728-7691
- WestJet | 204-727-0615
- ExecJests | 204-412-JETS (5921)
- Maple Leaf Aviation | 204-728-7618
For all other areas of Brandon Municipal Airport, including the Security area, contact the Airport Operations Coordinator at 204-729-2441 or the Airport Chargehand at 204-729-2167.
Leave your contact information (name, phone number and/or e-mail address)
Date and Location the item was lost or last seen
A detailed description of the item (if it is a cell phone, please leave the number of the cell phone, the service provider and the brand of the phone.)
Car Rental contact phone number – Brandon Municipal Airport
Enterprise Rent-a-Car: 1-204-725-1300
Parking Map at Brandon Airport
Long-Term parking location: West end of the parking lot
Oversized vehicle parking located at: South of the main parking lot.
Brandon Municipal Airport is an airport located 4 nautical miles north of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.
List of Airports in Canada
View the list of Airports in Canada address, phone, email, website, facilities and more through the above link.
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