Delta Air Lines City Office in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy 122

Delta Air Lines City Office in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Phone number, Address, Email, Working hours, Google map location

About Delta Airline:
Delta airlines Logo
Delta Air Lines is a major American airline which is one of the largest airlines in the world, with its headquarters and largest hub at Hartsfieldā€“Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2015, Delta airlines has carried 138,842 people. Delta airlines was founded on May 30, 1924; 92 years ago

Delta Airline Dar Es Salaam City Office Address: Fast Track Kenya Ltd.
NHC House, Ground Floor
Zanaki Street, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Delta Airline Reservation office telephone contact numbers: 255 – 22 212 6300 / 255 – 22 213 4987


Fax: 255-22 213 4601

Working hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
Sat: 9am-1pm
Sun: Closed

Map: View location here

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Delta Air Lines

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Delta Air Lines Customer care / support

Delta Air Lines Customer Contact Centre: 18001236645

Delta Air Lines Contact Centre Business Hours: 24 Hours

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Travel during pregnancy in Delta Air Lines

Pregnancy rules in Delta Air Lines:

  • Expectant mothers can travel in Delta Air Lines they donā€™t impose restrictions on flying if youā€™re pregnant and donā€™t require a medical certificate for you to travel. If youā€™re traveling after your eighth month, itā€™s a good idea to check with your doctor to be sure travel is not restricted.

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How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Delta Air Lines?

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Delta Air Lines Special Meals

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  • Dietary Meals

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How to Web Check-in Delta Air Lines?

Procedure to do web check-in or online check-in Delta Air Lines

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  3. Select the Airport.
  4. Click Search.


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Reservations for Travel Outside the United States: 1-800-241-4141

Help in Spanish and Reservations for Travel Outside the United States: 1-800-208-8601

Working hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you find information or navigate through our website.

Reservation assistance: 1-800-221-1212 (U.S.)

Disability assistance: 1-404-209-3434

Hearing or speech disabilities: Dial 711


Domestic Reservation Sales: 1-800-221-1212

International Reservation Sales: 1-800-241-4141

Delta Vacations Packages: 1-800-800-1504

SkyMiles Representatives:1-800-323-2323

Delta Airline Customer Care

For comments or complaints regarding past travel experience: 1-800-455-2720

Refund Status Check: 1-800-847-0578

TSA PreCheck boarding pass: How to apply and add, TSA Customer Care Contact?

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122 thoughts on “Delta Air Lines City Office in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy

      • Carolina Manawa

        I have question I was supposed to receive my luggage from UK on this Monday but the problem is the why Kenyans wants me to pay clearance fee Tsh 350,000 while I was supposed to pay in dare salaam where is my destination I want help from you the office which kept my luggage is Kenya Nairobi river road plaza 557 How I can receive my package

      • Jesca

        I was told to pay 350000 so that I can receive my parcel is this real or fraud?? What was that money for as the person who sent me the parcel has paid already and where are your office located??

    • Ericaneema Tolle

      Someone just sent me a package and I was told to pay 500000 what was that for? And please I want to verify if the package is real. And do you have+255757977734 as your Argency in Tanzania?

      • Addy

        Kuna mzigo wangu umetoka england kwa Raymond Dan sasa wanambia umefikia Arusha afu wanitumia namba zao zasimu iri niripie mzigo Wakt zinajitsjika na zakampuni kwel jaman Arusha Kuna ofix zenu naomb nisadie mm plz

      • Ghanima said salim

        My name is ghanima said salim from tanzania right now am in tanga region I have to receive my parcel today but someone contacted me and told me that I should pay 350000 so that I can get my parcel but the man told me that he is from deta company at daresalaam but now he is unavailable please help me so that I can get my parcel

      • Glory lukindo

        Mimi nimetumiwa mzigo kutokea uturuki ila nimeambiwa nitoe laki 3 ili mzgo wangu uletwe Tamga, namba iliyonipigia ni +255699714577 je huyu ni agents wenu

    • Irene marcel

      I have received call from zanzibar aitports worker and she told me to pay 350000 so that I can receive my parcel is this real or fraud?? What was that money for as the person who sent me the parcel has paid already and where are your office located??

  • Loveness Rukaka

    I have been contacted with the number +255757579751 and inform me that I should pay clearance fee (120000) through M-PESA that number after paying they told me to send storage fee which is 50000Tz is that a number of delta air line in Tanzania up to now they refuse to send a parcel

  • Fridah N. Mkolo

    I was sent a package yesterday from UK sender Roland Marcus and I am told to pay before delivery and I am not sure if it is fraud or what please help me out.

  • seif nasser

    my fellow receive this msj for her parcel is it true for a comapny can send this kind of messages…………….Hello madam good morning how are you doing hopefully you have great night my name is Adams Michael diplomatic agent of Delta courier service company we are currently here at Zanzibar international airport I am reaching towards your package that send by Mr morris brown from london to mrs jenifer charls Daniel to your address Dar-es salaam tanzania madam you are to pay $100 which is 250,000 thousands Tanzania shillings to enable the customs airport authorization release your package to me then I will proceed on delivery

    • Perpetua Charles

      Hallow my name is Perpetua Charles I have my parcel over there but I wonder you told me to pay the money 250000 and I paid but why you didn’t send my parcel and things I have done please realize my parcel

  • Neema yona kitomari

    How is it possible for me to send money through mpesa before approving my packagei m getting worrying to send money before receiving my package!

    • Rosana Bruno

      Sorry my frnd me too a customer. Am asking if you have succeeded to receive your parcel. . cauz yesterday I was receiving a phone and I played money but I didn’t receive my percel

  • Swalha idd Msuya

    Hello madam good morning my name is Adams diplomatic agents of delta’s courier service company madam we are here at Zanzibar international airport madam and we are having issues with customs at the airport madam you are to pay 2500,000 Tanzania shilling to enable the airport costume authorities releases your package to me than I will come forward to deliver to you madam,some one send this to me today,how can send the money without seeing my parcel?

  • Maria Sambalu Fabian

    Hello I have a problem, my luggage was sent from UK since 24/7/2020. I’m payed a lot of money. What’s wrong for this company you didn’t send my luggage

    • Grace George Mafuti

      This company is total fraud nakumabia i have paid a lot of money but wananiambia watatuma kesho my parcel this is not right kwakwel huu ni wizi naomba mnitumie mzigo wangu asap au tutapelekana pabaya

  • Sabrina

    I have a package that I was suppose to receive it on Saturday but there are peoples that are calling me they want me to pay 350000Tshs so as for them to give it to me because am from ngara, kagera while the package is in car es salaam airport So their saying that I should pay so for them to give it to me the question is is this part of your business so as to travel the package to me???!!!

  • Victoria

    Is that possible to see you luggage before make payment
    And do the payment made. To company or personal
    And if possible if my language arrive
    Can I come to your office directly to take it or
    Or can you tell another procedures

  • Angel Derrick

    Hello am angel I have been sending a package from London the costmer call me told me to pay frist 350000 to m-pesa how can pay before getting my package and it’s a lot of money please tell me

    • christina eusebious ngatunga

      nilitumiwa mzigo kutoka POLAND hii ni wiki ya pili sasa,niliwasiliana nawakala kwa namba0757977734 akaniambia nilipie mzigo TSH 350000/=ILI MZIGO UWEZE KUSAFIRISHWA,nikatuma baada ya muda nikapigiwa kuwa mzigo baada ya kuskaniwa wmegundua kuna fedha ya kigeni sasa wakanitaka nilipe gharama ya 850000/=kama faini ya kusafirisha .pia wakanitaka nilipe 650000/=ili nipate cheti cha kusafirishia mzingo yote haya nimefanya lakini bado mzigo hawataki kusafirisha kuja Arusha,wananitaka tena nitoe TSH 1800000/=kama garama zaubadilishaji fedha na wakaomba namba za a/c ili nikituma hiyo millioni pointi nane ndipo mziko utafika niliko.sasa nimepata mashaka makubwa .naomba kusaidika na kuondolewa hofu

    • Chritina

      Is this real company or thieves? Or what kind of business is this? My package arrived since on Monday and you told me to pay 350,000 I paid it then to pay 200,000 I paid it but upto now I haven’t get my package you want me pay 600,000 all those money for what? Am I a bank or? I need to know where is your office I need to meet with maneger you can’t take my money easily like this never other wise sent for me my package all in all.

    • Jesca

      Nimefanya research Hawa watu wanawatumia wanawake tu kuwatapeli hela zote hizo Nina wasi wasi na hii Delta Currier service home delivery Yao naona Hawa ni matapeli Ila wametengeneza hivi ili wabongo tuamini na Wana watu zao uko njee wanao watumia Sio bure haiwezekan mtu ulipie mzigo hujauona na kutuma hawatumi company gani hii?? Wezi Hawa jamani šŸ™„wanawake wa Tanzania tuwe makini no

  • christina eusebious ngatunga

    ninaomba kusaidika nimesha fanya malipo ya Tsh 1850000/= na bado parcel hazitumwi kuja Arusha hii ni wiki ya pili wananitaka niongeze Tsh 1800000/= jumla ni millioni tatu na nusu hivi ni kweli ?ama naibiwa namba ya wakala ni 0757977734{mariam Ibrahimu}

  • christina eusebious ngatunga

    nilitumiwa mzigo kutoka POLAND hii ni wiki ya pili sasa,niliwasiliana nawakala kwa namba0757977734 akaniambia nilipie mzigo TSH 350000/=ILI MZIGO UWEZE KUSAFIRISHWA,nikatuma baada ya muda nikapigiwa kuwa mzigo baada ya kuskaniwa wmegundua kuna fedha ya kigeni sasa wakanitaka nilipe gharama ya 850000/=kama faini ya kusafirisha .pia wakanitaka nilipe 650000/=ili nipate cheti cha kusafirishia mzingo yote haya nimefanya lakini bado mzigo hawataki kusafirisha kuja Arusha,wananitaka tena nitoe TSH 1800000/=kama garama zaubadilishaji fedha na wakaomba namba za a/c ili nikituma hiyo millioni pointi nane ndipo mziko utafika niliko.sasa nimepata mashaka makubwa .naomba kusaidika na kuondolewa hofu

  • Emmy Weston Siwale

    Nina mzigo wangu umefika toka Jana ofici zenu ziko wapi sasa nataka nije nifanye malipo ofisi zenu ziko sehemu gani hapa Dar

  • Vaileth William

    Nimamzigo wangu umetumwa tarehe 12/2/2021 nilipewa taarifa na mtumaji,pia agent mwenyewe na mba 0765065156, alinitaalifu kuwa Kuna package yangu imeingia ,Ila natakiwa kuulipia 350,000Tsh. Ili package yangu iweze kufika hapa nilipo,Sasa mbona iyo package ilisha lipiwa Toka uko ilikopakiwa hizo laki tatu na nusu zote ni gharama ya nn, naomba kujua, pia nataka nije kuchukulia mzigo wangu apo ofisini kwenu, naomba ufafanuzi ofisi zipo sehemu gani dar es salaam, ili nije kufanya malipo hapo hapo ,

    • Ramlat Hemed Omary

      Hello !! Umefanikiwa ama ?! Maana nami nina mzigo wangu kutoka UK wamenipigia simu wakala no 0784341670 Ameniambia nilipie 370000 li nifikishiwe hadi nyumbani nimeingiwa hofu !!

      • Chritina

        Is this real company or thieves? Or what kind of business is this? My package arrived since on Monday and you told me to pay 350,000 I paid it then to pay 200,000 I paid it but upto now I haven’t get my package you want me pay 600,000 all those money for what? Am I a bank or? I need to know where is your office I need to meet with maneger you can’t take my money easily like this never other wise sent for me my package all in all.

  • Haruna sadala

    Mimi na ishi Arusha nipigiwa Simu asubuhi Kuna mzigo umetumwa kutoka UK Sasa nambiwa nilipe pesa kupitia m_pesa jamani huu ni utapeli kwani hakuna office zenu mtu aje akalipia happy? Mambo ya m-pesa inatoka wapi kwenye biashara ya ndege wakati Kuna office naomba kujua utaratibu wa kupokea mzigo? Tuache utapeli jamani pesa inatafutwa kwa shida. Naomba majibu yakueleweka namba zangu 0765862462 naomba kujua mzigo wangu upo? Naomba namba zenu za office kwasababu matapeli wamekuwa wengi

    • Zabibu Ibrahim


  • Celina Astery

    Someone send me a package and I was told to pay 500000 for what? If you are agents here in Tanzania how will you help me to get my package???I want to know if it’s true or a con man wants to take my money and disappear away with my money…please let you communicate with me through +255753252895..and the one who was calling me he used normal contact not official contact from office number.

    • Cindy

      Guys nimekuja apa kuwaambieni hii kampuni sio ya ukweli hata kidogo endapo umeambiwa utume hela usitume hata shilingi 50 ni UONGOO HAKUNA MZIGO WATAKUTAPELI ndo ushauri wangu, au ukiona vipi unawauliza office zao ziko wapi ili uende, and I heard somewhere their office is not even in Tanzania so do not send any money they have a lot of barriers, kwani mzigo ulikotoka huko haukukaguliwa!? Kwani ulifikaje fikaje uku?! Ushauri ni Bora uwaambie mzigo wao urudi huko uliko toka

  • Hillary ndosi

    My sister received the message that she had to pay 300000 for her parcel from England šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§..then how is it possible to pay online without see the parcel and how she can get her parcel from your office.

    • Nathaniel ndoika

      My name is Nathaniel Ndoika, I am Living in Arusha Today I received a call from the guy who introduced himself that he is Charles Shija(0742972672),who is working in your Dare salaam office. He told me that he received my Parcel from Mary William (from Senegal).He is asking me to pay a clearance fee in order to receive my package. So would you prove to me that this your staff or a con man before I post my money!.

  • Anneth Mzaga

    I have been called this morning to make payment 350000Tshs in order my parcel to be delivery but I want to come physically to your office to make payment and take the parcel. Where is your office located?

    • rosemary amandi

      this is same to me. I receive a call in the morning my parcel was already in Zanzibar so I suppose to make payment 300000 in order my parcel to deliver. I would like to understand why should i pay gain as the parcel was already paid by sender??? where is the office located in dar es Salaam????

      • Irene marcel

        Its same to me ,they told me that my parcel is alrady in zanzibar and i need to pay 350000 inorder to receive my parcel

  • Addy

    Kuna mzigo wangu umetoka england kwa Raymond Dan sasa wanambia umefikia Arusha afu wanitumia namba zao zasimu iri niripie mzigo Wakt zinajitsjika na zakampuni kwel jaman Arusha Kuna ofix zenu naomb nisadie mm plz

  • Dativa Mariwa

    I’m Dativa from Tanzania. Package yangu imetumwa na imefika Leo. Sasa mbona cjapata utaratibu kamili wa kuichukua. Naambiwa natakiwa kulipia laki tatu na nisu.

    • Isabela Mwakalambo

      nimetumiwa package yangu ila utaratibu wenu unakuwa na mabadiliko ya gafla mbona viwango vinabadirika badirika nisaidien tafadhali nipate mzigo wangu toka UK

  • Ester william

    Please help me my package i have pay alot of money so that i can receive it but still not receiving it am ester william from Morogoro

  • Ester william

    Please help me my package i have pay alot of money so that i can receive it but still not receiving it from where is your office i want to come and take my parcel

  • Irene marcel

    I have received call from zanzibar aitports worker and she told me to pay 350000 so that I can receive my parcel is this real or fraud?? What was that money for as the person who sent me the parcel has paid already and where are your office located??

  • Scholastica Christopher Makutano

    My name is scholastica Christopher Makutano nilitakiwa kupokea mzigo wangu from England but your delivery service contact to paid 350000 for clearlence I paid then tell to paid again another money how

  • Julietha Joseph Nada

    Hello have told that my luggage from UK has been arrived to Dar-es-Salaam and someone called me via WhatsApp call and said I have to pay for the luggage like 400000 is that the amount fo fee or

  • Ester masanyiwa

    Mm ester nmeagiziwa mzgo na Alex Willium kutoka Malaysia tangu jumapili mzgo wangu umetumwa naambiwa tu nipilie tu alafu mzigo aunifikii kiukwelii sitki home delivering kusafirsha mzgo ufike Salama kazi ya kampuni au mteja naomba muongozo msimamiz was hiyo kampuni watu tunapigwa ela uni alfu tumetkea kwenye familia Za kawaida

  • Mariam mhando

    Hellow! I received a Phone call from Zanzibar airport to inform that my package was arive from UK on Wednesday, and they want me to pay 350,000/= in order my percel to travel it to my place here in Moshi KILIMANJARO, I do make payment as they told me but after doing the payment they told me that I have to pay another money Tsh 1,200,000/ so I don’t understand what’s going on in your company! I need help please to receive my package….if it is necessary direct me to your office

  • Halima Kombe

    Nimeambiwa nimetumiwa mzigo kutoka ufaransa na aliyenipigia amesema ni kampuni yenu nitume sh 354000 na namba yake ni hii 0785809274 lakin akaniambia nitume kwenye hii 0742640621 kwenye mpesa je ni kweli?

  • Halima Kombe

    Nimeambiwa nimetumiwa mzigo kutoka ufaransa na aliyenipigia amesema ni kampuni yenu dar es salaam nitume sh 354000 Ili uje arusha na namba yake ni hii 0785809274 lakin akaniambia nitume kwenye hii 0742640621 kwenye mpesa je ni kweli?

  • Florensia bernado

    Naitwa florensia bernado Nimetumiwa mzigo na Michael Lucas tarehe 23/11/2022 namzigo wangu nimeambiwa umefika dar es salaam na nimelipia kwenye 0768905658 na mzigo unatakiwa ufike arusha mpaka Leo sijapewa majibu kama mzigo umefika arusha au vp na Mimi ni mwanafunzi mnanizungusha Kila siku mara kampuni inadaiwa ko sisi ndo wakulipia madeni yenu Mimi nawaharibi kazi na wapost kwenye mitandao yajamii pia nawashtaki kwenye vyombo vya serikali maana nyie so waaminifu kwenye kazi yenu lasivyo mnitumie mzigo wangu

  • Florensia bernado

    Nimetumiwa mzigo na Michael Lucas tarehe 23/11/2022 na mzigo umefika dar es salaam na nimeshalipia kwenye namba 0768905658 jina Elizabeth tungu kuyela alafu Bado mnanizungusha Kila siku mara hampatika mara mnaniambie kampuni inadaiwa inahusiana nn na mzigo wangu na Mimi ni mwanafunzi sasa nawaharibia kazi msijifanye matapeli

  • fidelia_latinus

    Kuna mzigo wangu umetuma na Mark Boris kutoka England na mzigo umefikia dar na mimi nipo mwanza nimeambiwa nitoe 150$ sawa na sh.350000 ndo ufike mwanza. Vipi ni kweli au ni utapeli? Na huo mzigo wa FIDELIA MUTONGORE upo?


    Naomba nisaidieni mzigo wangu umefika ofisni kwenu muda mrefu na nmelipia Ila sjakupta naomba msaada Kuna shida gani has maana Kila nikilipia huyo aliyenipa taarifa ananiambiya Malipo mengine Tena Sasa nmechoka naomba msaada Nina shida nao Sana nipo Dar es salaam Tanzania

  • Frida longido metui

    Nimetumiwa package kutoka istanbul turkey siku ya tarehe 09-03-2023, siku ya tarehe 10 asubuhi nkapigiwa simu na agent wa Delta akaniambia natakiwa kulipa 350,000 kwaajili ya clearance nkatuma ,lakini mpaka Leo sijapata package yangu jamani nifanyaje niweze kupata package yangu,,nipo Arusha

  • Ghanima said salim

    My name is ghanima said salim from tanzania right now am in tanga region I have to receive my parcel today but someone contacted me and told me that I should pay 350000 so that I can get my parcel but the man told me that he is from deta company at daresalaam but now he is unavailable please help me so that I can get my parcel

  • Marha Lauden

    Habari ya kazi nilitumiwa mzigo Toka Ireland kampuni Moja ya usafirishaji ya Kenya imeshikilia mzigo wangu ni mwaka sasa inaitwa courier logistics company naomba msaada wenu mnisaisie kupata parcel yangu