List of Airlines in Angola

View the list of airlines in Angola and their contact details such as address, phone number, location, email, fax, website, online check in details, flight status, baggage details such as checked baggage, cabin baggage, excess baggage rates, visa and more details.

1. Aerojet

Established: 2002
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 1
Official Website:

List of Aerojet airlines worldwide

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2. Air 26

Established: 2006
Ceased operations: 2011
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website: (defunct)

3. Air Metack

Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

List of Air Metack airlines worldwide

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4. Airjet Exploracao Aerea De Carga

Established: 2003
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website:

List of Airjet Exploracao Aerea De Carga airlines worldwide

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5. Angola Air Charter

Established: 1987
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:

List of Aerojet airlines worldwide

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6. Diexim Expresso

Established: 2003
Ceased operations: 2008
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 6
Official Website:

7. Guicango

Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

List of Guicango airlines worldwide

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8. Heli Malongo Airways

Established: 2005
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website:

List of Heli Malongo Airways worldwide

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9. Serviços Executivos Aéreos De Angola

Established: 2009
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website:

List of Serviços Executivos Aéreos De Angola airlines worldwide

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10. Sjl Aeronautica

Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

List of Sjl Aeronautica airlines worldwide

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11. Sonair

Established: 10 October 1979
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 42
Official Website:

List of Sonair airlines worldwide

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12. Taag Angola Airlines

Established: September 1938
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size: 17
Official Website:

List of Taag Angola airlines worldwide

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