View the list of airlines in Nepal and their contact details such as address, phone number, location, email, fax, website, online check in details, flight status, baggage details such as checked baggage, cabin baggage, excess baggage rates, visa and more details.
1. Air Dynasty
Established: 1993
Total Fleet size: 4
Official Website:
Air Dynasty Airlines
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2. Altitude Air
Established: 2016
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website: altitudeairnepal
Altitude Air Airlines
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3. Buddha Air
Established: 23Ā April 1996
Frequent-flyer program: Royal Club
Total Fleet size: 16
Official Website:
List of Buddha Air Airlines worldwide
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4. Fishtail Air
Established: 1997
Total Fleet size: 4
Official Website:
Fishtail Air Airlines
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5. Guna Airlines
Established: 2021 (originally founded in 2009)
Total Fleet size: 7
Official Website:
List of Guna Airlines worldwide
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6. Heli Everest
Established: 9th of December, 2016
Official Website:
Heli Everest Airlines
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7. Himalaya Airlines
Established: 19 August 2014
Total Fleet size: 4
Official Website: www
List of Himalaya Airlines worldwide
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8. Kailash Helicopter Services
Established: 2017
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website:
Kailash Helicopter Services
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9. Makalu Air
Established: 2009
Total Fleet size: 1
Official Website:
Makalu Air Airlines
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10. Manang Air
Established: 1997
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:
Manang Air Airlines
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11. Mountain Helicopters
Established: 2009
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website:
Mountain Helicopters
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12. Nepal Airlines
Established: 1Ā July 1958
Total Fleet size: 6
Official Website:
List of Nepal Airlines worldwide
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13. Prabhu Helicopters
Established: 2015
Official Website:
Prabhu Helicopters
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14. Saurya Airlines
Established: 2014
Frequent-flyer program: Saurya Saarathi
Total Fleet size: 3
Official Website:
Saurya Airlines
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15. Shree Airlines
Established: 1999
Total Fleet size: 14
Official Website:
Shree Airlines
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16. Simrik Air
Established: 2001
Total Fleet size: 4
Official Website:
Simrik Air Airlines
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17. Sita Air
Established: 2000
Total Fleet size: 4
Official Website: www
Sita Air Airlines
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18. Summit Air
Established: 24 February 2011
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website: www
Summit Air AirlinesĀ
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19. Tara Air
Established: 2009
Total Fleet size: 7
Official Website: www
Tara Air Airlines
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20. Yeti Airlines
Established: MayĀ 1998
Frequent-flyer program: Yeti Airlines SKY-Club
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website: www
Yeti Airlines
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