List of Airlines in Thailand, Asia

View the list of airlines in Thailand and their contact details such as address, phone number, location, email, fax, website, online check in details, flight status, baggage details such as checked baggage, cabin baggage, excess baggage rates, visa and more details.

Air Inter Transport

Ceased operations: 1 April 1997 (merged with Air France)
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

List of Air Inter Transport Airlines worldwide

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Air People International

Established: 1986
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

Air People International 

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Asia Atlantic Airlines

Established: December 2012
Ceased operations: 30 October 2018
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:

Asian Air

Established: 2013
Ceased operations: 06-FEB-2016

Bangkok Airways

Established: 1968
Frequent-flyer program: Flyer Bonus
Total Fleet size: 35
Official Website:

List of Bangkok Airways worldwide

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Budget Lines

Established: 2014
Official Website:

Budget Lines

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City Airways

Established: 2011
Ceased operations: 13 February 2016
Total Fleet size: 1 – 4
Official Website:

Intira Airlines

Established: 2008
Ceased operations: 2015
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website:

Jet Asia Airways

Established: December 2009
Ceased operations: September 2020
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:

JetGo International

Established: 2004
Ceased Operations: 2007

Kan Air

Established: 24 September 2010
Ceased operations: 20 April 2017
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:

K-Mile Air

Established: 2006
Total Fleet size: 5
Official Website:

K-Mile Air

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Legacy Air

Established: 2009
Ceased operations: 2015
Official Website:


Established: 2007
Total Fleet size: 10
Official Website:

List of MJets Airlines worldwide

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New Gen Airways

Established: July 2012
Ceased operations: October 2019
Total Fleet size: 11
Official Website:

Nok Air

Established: 10 February 2004
Frequent-flyer program: Nok Fan Club
Total Fleet size: 22
Official Website:

List of Nok Airlines worldwide

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Established: 2014
Ceased operations: 26 June 2020
Total Fleet size: 9
Official Website:

Orient Thai Airlines

Established: 1995
Ceased operations: July 2018 (flight operations)
9 October 2018 (liquidation)
Total Fleet size: 13
Official Website:

R Airlines

Established: October 2012
Ceased operations: 18 February 2018
Total Fleet size: 1
Official Website:

Siam Air

Established: 4 June 2010
Ceased operations: 2017
Total Fleet size: 2
Official Website:

List of Siam Air Airlines worldwide

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Siamjet Airlines

Established: 2012
Ceased Operation: 2012 (Not Launched)

Thai AirAsia

Established: 8 December 2003
Frequent-flyer program: BIG
Total Fleet size: 62
Official Website:

Thai AirAsia Airlines

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Thai AirAsia X

Established: 18 September 2013
Total Fleet size: 9
Official Website:

List of Thai AirAsia X Airlines worldwide

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Thai Airways International

Established: 29 March 1960
Frequent-flyer program: Royal Orchid Plus
Total Fleet size: 38
Official Website:

List of Thai Airways International Airlines worldwide

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Thai Express Air

Established: May 2013
Frequent-flyer program:
Total Fleet size:
Official Website:

List of Thai Express Air Airlines worldwide

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Thai Lion Air

Established: 4 December 2013
Total Fleet size: 14
Official Website:

List of Thai Lion Air Airlines worldwide

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Thai Smile

Established: 19 August 2011 
Frequent-flyer program: Royal Orchid Plus
Total Fleet size: 20
Official Website:

List of Thai Smile Airlines worldwide

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Thai Vietjet Air

Established: November 2014
Frequent-flyer program: Vietjet Skyclub
Total Fleet size: 16
Official Website:

List of Thai Vietjet Air Airlines worldwide

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