Long Banga Airport (LBP) Malaysia Contact Details

Long Banga Airports Call Centre

Address:Ā Long Banga Airport (LBP), Sarawak, Malaysia

Telephone:Ā (+60) 85-615 204

Long Banga Airport Code: LBP

Website:Ā http://www.miriairport.com/

View location of Long Banga Airport:Ā https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/Lapangan+Terbang+Long+Banga/@3.1833333,115.4478113,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x321a11c0a15ba47d:0x10beec63e4833137!8m2!3d3.1833333!4d115.45

Lost & Found:Ā http://www.klia.com.my/?m=lost_found&c=report

Long Banga is a rural village located in the north east of Sarawak, Malaysia, in the Marudi division. It lies approximately 589.6 kilometres (366 mi) east-north-east of the state capital Kuching. The name of “Long Banga” originated from a small river near the site of the village.Kampung Long Banga is actually two villages: one is predominantly Saban people and the other is Kenyah Leppo’ Ke people. The village is located quite close to the international border (Batu Kallong) between Indonesian Kalimantan and Sarawak.

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