Royal Jordanian Cargo in Amman, Jordan

Royal Jordanian Cargo in Amman, Jordan contact Address, Phone, Email and Website

Address: Housing Bank
Commercial Center Queen Noor St.
P .O .Box: 302
Amman 11118

Cargo Jordan Customer Care: +962 6 520 2965

Cargo Jordan Sales
Phone: +962 6 520 2961

Cargo Outstations Sales
Phone: +962 6 520 2960

Cargo Charter Sales
Phone: +962 6 520 2962

Fax: NA

Official website:

Queries handled by Royal Jordanian Cargo Customer care:

Schedule, eBooking, Rescheduling, Track and Trace, Charter Service Queries, Trucking service Queries, e-claims Flight Information, Missing Luggage, Delayed Flights. Pharma, pets, valuable, perishable goods and extra care shipment queries.

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