Wasaya Airways LP is a 51% First Nations owned domestic airline with its headquarters in Thunder Bay, Northern Ontario, Canada. Established in 1989.
Wasaya Airways in Ontario, Canada contact Address, Phone, Email and Website
Wasaya Airways Ontario, Canada Address:
Head Office, Thunder Bay, 201 Kelner Place
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
P7E 6V3
Wasaya Airways Phone number:
(807) 473-1200 (Administration and General Inquiries)
Sales Toll-Free: 1-866-982-4787
Reservations Toll-Free: 1-877-4WASAYA (1-877-492-7292)
Charter Email: charters@wasaya.com or salesteam@wasaya.com
Reservation Email: reservations@wasaya.com (For online enquiries, booking enquiries)
Working hours
Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 8:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sunday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wasaya Airways Official website: www.wasaya.com
Wasaya Airways Online Check-in: www.wasaya.com/online check-in
Wasaya Airways Baggage Allowance
View Wasaya Airways Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Wasaya Airways
Total fleet: 20
De Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8
- De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100
- De Havilland Canada DHC-8-300
List of Wasaya Airways Offices
Click the above link to view Wasaya Airways offices Phone number, Address, Working hours and Customer Care Contact Numbers Worldwide.
Queries handled by Wasaya Airways Customer care:
Flight Ticket Booking, Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, KrisFlyer
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