Zhaotong Airport in Zhaotong, China Address / Phone / Email / Location / Website
Address: Zhaotong Airport,
China, Yunnan, Zhaotong, Zhaoyang District, Airport Road Postcode: 657000
Working hours: NA
Phone: +86 870 283 0004
Email: NA
Fax: NA
Map: View location on google map here
Zhaotong Airport Website: http://zt.ynairport.com
Zhaotong Airport IATA code: ZAT
Zhaotong Airport ICAO code: ZPZT
List of Airports in China
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Airlines and destinations
View the list of airlines arriving and departing from Zhaotong Airport in China. Click the link to get the airline offices around the world and their address, phone number, fax, email, website, baggage allowance, online check-in details, special assistance details and more.
List of Airlines arrival and departure | Destinations |
China Eastern Airlines | Beijing–Capital, Chongqing, Kunming |
Lucky Air | Chengdu, Guiyang |
Shenzhen Airlines | Shenzhen |
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