Flynas (Airline) (formerly Nas Air). was established in 2007. It is a domestic and international low-cost airline based in Saudi Arabia, the country’s first and only budget airline. The company’s head office is located on the Al Salam Centre in Riyadh.

Currently there are no offices for Flynas (Airline) in Istanbul, Turkey.

Flynas (Airline) in Istanbul, Turkey contact Address, Phone and Website

Flynas (Airline) Istanbul Turkey Address:
Cumhuriyet Cad. 183/1 Harbiye, Istanbul.

Phone: +902122313450

Fax: +902122313451

Flynas (Airline) Official website:

Flynas (Airline) Online Check-in: check-in

Note: Online Check in begins 24 hours before departure, and up until 90 minutes before your flight’s scheduled departure time.

Flynas (Airline) Check-in timing timing

Check Flynas (Airline) flight schedule here: schedule

Check Flynas (Airline) flight status here: status

Flynas (Airline) baggage services telephone contact numbers:

Flynas (Airline) Baggage Allowance

Flynas (Airline) Baggage

View Flynas (Airline) Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Flynas (Airline)

Total fleet: 60

Airbus A319

Airbus A320

Airbus A330

Boeing 737

Boeing 747

Boeing 757

Boeing 767

Embraer ERJ-190

List of Flynas Airline Offices

Click the above link to view Flynas (Airline) offices Phone number, Address, Working hours and Customer Care Contact Numbers Worldwide.

Parent company: National Air Services

Queries handled by Flynas (Airline) Customer care:

Flight Ticket Booking, Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, naSmiles

Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Flynas (Airline) Istanbul in Turkey Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.

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One Response

  1. Hii
    In 2020 my flight was cancelled due to covid and flight wast flynas(xy)256 and still im not recieved my refund.My agency always said to me that the company is not refunding us.

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