Hong Kong Air Cargo in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong contact Address, Phone, Email and Website
Address: Unit 1210-1218, 12/F, Tower 2, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong
Phone number: +852 3920 9000
Reservation: +852 3920 9203
Fax: NA
Email: hk.indoorsales@hkaircargo.com
HK & PRD Sales Enquiry: hk.sales@hkaircargo.com
Overseas Sales and Marketing Enquiry: csm@hkaircargo.com
Scheduling and Charter Services Enquiry: schedule.plan@hkaircargo.com
SPA – Interline Business Development Enquiry: spa@hkaircargo.com
Cargo Operations Enquiry: cgo.ops@hkaircargo.com
Special Cargo Enquiry and Dangerous Goods Enquiry: cgo.svc@hkaircargo.com
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/5t1hU7N6CBYcaTBX9
Working hours: NA
Official website: www.hkaircargo.com
Hong Kong Air Cargo Customer Care Support
Check the above link to know the Hong Kong Air Cargo customer care phone number, email etc
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Hong Kong Air Cargo code: RH
Queries handled by Hong Kong Air Cargo Customer care:
Schedule, eBooking, Rescheduling, Track and Trace, Charter Service Queries, Trucking service Queries, e-claims Flight Information, Missing Luggage, Delayed Flights. Pharma, pets, valuable, perishable goods and extra care shipment queries.
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