Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) Car Rentals
Can a tourist rent a car from Singapore Changi Airport?
Yes, You can
Documents required to rent a car from Singapore Changi Airport
- Valid driver’s license
- International Driver’s permit
What is the eligibility / minimum age to rent a car at Singapore Changi Airport?
- You will be at least 21 years with a valid driver’s license.
Singapore Changi Airport Car Rentals Customer Care Phone number, Address, Email
- Avis
- Budget
- Hertz
- Sixt
Sixt Car Rental at Singapore Changi Airport
24 hour return available
Mon – Sun: 09:00 AM – 09:00 PM
Holidays: 09:00 AM – 09:00 PM
Official website:
Hertz -Changi Airport Terminal 3 (Meet & Greet)
Phone: (65) 9645 2703, (65) 8533 7213
Online Booking Hours: Daily: 9am to 6pm
Pre-booking required, not available for walk in
Official website:
Address: 65 Airport Boulevard, Terminal 3, Carpark 3A, Basement 1
Singapore 819663
Budget Car Rental at Singapore Changi Airport
Changi Airport Terminal 3,
Arrivals Hall, Singapore, 819463, Singapore
(65) 6441 0764
Hours of Operation:
Sun – Sat 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Holiday Hours:
TEMP CLOSED August 10 – December 31 closed
If flying in, the rental counter is within the terminal with a short walk to the car lot.
Official website:
Avis Car Rental at Singapore Changi Airport
Address:Ā Arrival Hall,
Changi Airport, 819663, Singapore
Phone:Ā (65) 90680710
Hours of Operation:Ā Sun – Sat 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
How to book AVIS Car rental at Changi International Airport in Singapore?
Official website:
Terminal 2
Avis / Budget: +65 6542 8855
Hertz: +65 6542 5300
Terminal 3
Avis / Budget: +65 6447 9011
Hertz: +65 6446 7211
Terminal 4
Avis/ Budget : +65 6581 6122
How to book / rent the car / taxi from Singapore Changi Airport?
- Visit the official website to book the car / book in person when you arrive at the airport
- Enter your pick up date and return date
- Select the car and book for rental
- Make the payment online
What will be the deposit to pay when you rent a car at Changi Airport in Singapore?
There will be an approximate cost of SG$ 200 deposit charge to rent a car.
*The value may subject to change