Turkish Airlines Airport Sales Office in Stockholm, Sweden Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy 20

Turkish Airlines Airport Sales Office in Stockholm, Sweden Phone number, Address, Email, Working hours, Google map location

About Turkish Airline:
Turkish Airline was founded on 20 th May 1933. Turkish Airlines is the national flag carrier airline of Turkey, headquartered at the Turkish Airlines General Management Building on the grounds of Atatürk Airport in Yeşilköy, Bakırköy, Istanbul.As of July 2015, it operates scheduled services to 290 destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, making it the fourth-largest carrier in the world by number of destinations, as of 2014.

Turkish Airline Stockholm Airport Sales Office Address: TURKISH AIRLINES ARLANDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TERMINAL 5, DEPARTURE HALL, PO BOX 172, 19046 ARLANDA, Stockholm, Sweden

Turkish Airline Reservation office telephone contact numbers: +46 8 519 99 849

Email: Customer Center: stockholm@thy.com
Bagage claims: ARNBAG@THY.COM

Fax: 08-593 60 512

Working hours: 09:00 – 17:00 (GMT +1)


Official website: http://www.turkishairlines.com/

Check your flight status here: www.turkishairlines.com/flightstatus

Turkish Airline baggage services telephone contact numbers:
Call center: +46 8 519 99 849

For baggage inquiries : Turkish airline baggage inquiries

Customer Relation

For your feedback / Complaints, comments :
+90 850 333 0 849

Miles&Smiles Call Center

You can call us to become a member for free and for all your questions about card advantages, awards and your mileage account

Phone: +90 850 333 0 849

Turkish Airlines General Management

Address:Turkish Airlines General Management Building Ataturk Airport, Yesilkoy 34149 Istanbul Turkey

Phone: +90 212 463 63 63

Fax: +90 212 465 21 21

Turkish Airlines Customer Care Support

View the above link to know the Turkish Airlines customer care address, phone number, email and other services available.

Turkish Airlines Baggage Allowance

British Airways Baggage

View Turkish Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges, Airport Baggage rates in the above link.

List of Turkish Airlines Offices

Find Turkish Airlines Reservation | Town | Sales | Airport Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country

How to Web Check-in in Turkish Airlines?

Procedure to do web check-in or online check-in in Turkish Airlines

  1. Visit https://www.turkishairlines.com/en-in/flights/manage-booking/
  2. Select ‘Flights’ – ‘Manage Booking’ section.
  3. Enter the “Reservation code (PNR)” and “Passenger surname”.
  4. Click on “Check-in”.

How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Turkish Airlines?

Click the above link to view the procedure to change flight date / postpone / cancel and get refund in Turkish Airlines.

Travel during pregnancy in Turkish Airlines

Pregnancy rules in Turkish Airline:

  • Expectant mothers can travel in Turkish Airline till 36th week of the Single pregnancy and 32 week for multiple pregnancy.
  • After 28th week, a medical certificate is required to travel which stated that you are fit to travel from your doctor or midwife.
  • You must apply for medical clearance by submitting a medical information form (MEDIF).

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Turkish Airline

Total fleet: 333

  • Airbus A340-300
  • Airbus A330-300
  • Airbus A330-200
  • Airbus A321-200
  • Airbus A320-200
  • Airbus A319-132/100
  • Boeing B737-800
  • Boeing B737-700
  • A310 CARGO
  • A330-200F CARGO
  • Boeing 777-300ER
  • Boeing B737-900 ER
  • Embraer E195

Queries handled by Turkish Airline Customer care:

Flight Ticket Booking, Flight Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, Miles&Smiles

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20 thoughts on “Turkish Airlines Airport Sales Office in Stockholm, Sweden Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy

  • XYZ

    your information on this website is wrong … the timings of the sales office at Arlanda airport is not what is mentioned here …. its not open 9 to 5 all days …. pls change it is misleading …

  • aqil sha,khi

    my name is Aqil Shamkhi and you have promised me too give me money becuase you have taken my place at the flight and then you said that i have to came too your office in Stockhokm Sweden. when i went there said that i have to wait and to call you but you never answer me. what should i do in this case now…
    my number is 0046707131168

  • Hemad Altun

    Hej, min flygnummer: TK1793 blev försenad i tre timmar från Istanbul till Stockholm 2019-04-27. Jag missade tåget som åkte från Arlanda c till Falu C. Jag köpte ny tåg biljett från Arlanda till Falun för 675 SEK och jag finner det rättvist att ni betalar tillbaka mina pengar p.g.a att förseningar för flyg kan icke hända. Om ni kräver bevis jag kan skicka tågbiljettens kvitto via en .png. Jag hoppas att detta kan lösas som snarast.

    MVH. Hemad Altun

  • Javad Kashani

    Hi. I am a frequent flyer and have been flying with you for one year 6-7 times intercontinental flights. I am fully satisfied and will be flying soon 22nd Dec. I believe I am qualified for a Gold or higher elite card. Please send me the application form, for the appropriate card of Turkish airlines. Best regards/ Javad Kashani

  • Francisco Toledo

    Hi. I have tried to call , call center many times without success.I would like to cancel my flight to Istambul on march 23 and march 28.It has been almost impossible to come up and talk to anyone..I will cancel my flight which is booked with the following code: SGVNTD.
    Can I cancel my flight on my app? If I do that , can yuo refund those tycket.
    You can contact me on Mobnr: +46 070 5589 487
    Thank for all help.
    Francisco Toledo

  • Janne Angantyr

    Dear Madam/Sir
    I have made several emails to the office at airport in bangkok and they dont answer my question only send back about
    regulation , can You help me about this please ! Best regards Janne Angantyr

    Dear Madam/Sir
    You cancelled all Your flight to Europe and Copenhagen ,how can other airlines departures , today airplane go to AMSTERDAM KLM , FRANKFURT LUFTHANSA , PARIS AIR FRANCE VERY STRANGE ? and not Tyrkish Airlines explain please .and what do I have for garanti that You not change again ? You must have an insurance for this matters who can cover the money to buy me a ticket from another flightcompany I HAVE TO GO HOME Best regards Janne Angantyr

    Dear Madam/Sir
    You only tell me about Your regulation but it should not stop You to book me on another airline , I check with an agency that Lufthansa are flying in the begining of juni , so You can do if You want to ! I,m going to charge Tyrkish Airlines for my lost incom up to day are about 4500 € so it,s cheeper for You to send me home as soon as possible Best regards Janne Angantyr

    Den mån 18 maj 2020 kl 19:05 skrev BKKAIRPORT@THY.COM :

  • Anders Andersson

    Hej min son 20år vill åka från Stockholm till Istanbul stanna i 15 nätter för att sen åka till Minneapolis Samt en öppen returresa till Stockholm 90 dagar senare från landningen i Minneapolis Startdatum till IstanbulRunt den 16-18 september Är det ok att mellanlanda i Chicago

  • Alison Singer

    I have contacted your offices several times over the past few months in an effort to get a refund for my canceled flight this April. I have made over 25 phone calls to Customer Service, countless emails through their Feedback service and  I have even visited the Stockholm Sales Office in person as requested by several feedback responses and phone representatives, but even then was I unable to receive my refund. I am at a complete loss and am incredibly frustrated.

    T8LRFK was the confirmation code for my cancelled flight booking between Arlanda and New York in April, 2020.

    Before I attempt to physically come into the Airport Sales Office again in person, I need a 100% guarantee that doing so will allow me to get my refund back since, in my previous experience, this has not been the case. As the cases of Covid are increasing substantially here in Stockholm and because I do not own a car and will need to utilize public transport as well as take time off from work to accomplish this during weekday hours. I therefore need to know that the risk I will take to come to the Airport during this time when FHM suggest NOT to travel in non+essential, public places and to avoid public transport is  justified and the ONLY way to get my promised refund.

    Please share will me the DIRECT PHONE LINE that I can use to reach a PHYSICAL PERSON who is working AT the Stockholm Airport Sales Office so that I can confirm AHEAD of my journey that they have learned of my specific case and that my presence at the Sales Office is indeed REQUIRED in order to issue my complete refund for my cancelled flight  back in April. Also what sort of ID or other documents will I need to take with me?

    Thank you  in advance,


  • Alexandra

    Hej, mitt namn är Alexander och jag har bokat biljett till min släkting från Colombia till Sverige. Men just nu så acceptera Sverige inte in turister, pågrund av pandemi som vi går igenom. Men det jag vill säga me det är att jag vill faktiskt boka om biljetten till min släkting så hon kan komma hit nästa år den 25 mars. För jag hade köpt biljetten den 15 februari 2020, men det som har sket är att jag har behövt komma till Arlanda kontor 3 gånger för att omboka biljetten. Men idag när jag åkte dit så fanns det ingen personal som jobbade och fick istället ett papper som jag skulle kontakta er. När det gäller kontakta er så har det varit svårt för att hemsidan är helt annorlunda för ingenting gå vidare som att ringa eller chatta med er och till och med mail har inte gått vidare med svar ifrån er. Så vill vänlig se hur man kan göra för att omboka biljetten eller att få pengarna tillbaka. För det har varit svår för mig att behöva åka fram och tillbaka utan någon positiv svar ifrån er. Kontoret i arlanda är bara slöseri med tid för man får inte hjälp av vissa som jobbar där eller annars så är de otrevliga. Så vill gärna få hjälp via den här mail eller någon annan typ av hjälp för är ganska trött. Med vänlig hälsning Alexander.

  • John-Erik Andersson

    Hi. My name is John-Erik Andersson and I want to get my money back for a trip where the tickets were canceled. I am a member of Miles & Smiles and my membership number is TK677767004. During a call with you on telephone 08-519 99 849, I received confirmation that the money will be refunded in full, but I would turn to a booking office because it could not be done via your call center.

    Have also received this answer sent to me.

    reference number TK-4241010

    Dear John Erik Alvar Andersson,
    We reviewed your feedback and investigated your reservation RHYZJM.
    We have checked your request and we would like to inform you that we are not able to do this reimbursement within our system because technical issues are not allowing the call center systems to refund your ticket.
    In order to do this process, we kindly ask you to apply to the nearest Turkish Airlines sales office.

    Here is my information.

    Reservation Code RHYZJM

    Reference number TK-4241010


    Bayan ABIGAELMADJOS MONTER 2352412469351

    SINCERELY. John-Erik Andersson

  • michel talani

    hello i purchset ticket göteborg to karachi jinnah and i paid abot 8000 kronor and after 2 days may ticket have bin canslet and i recived emai
    they will send may money back i recived nothing from bravofily bokink id 1850344379 please i want ticket or mony back tavel day 28 november return february 25 2022 thank you

  • Dan Svensson

    Hopplöst att försöka hitta en e-post adress för att ställa en fråga angående ett pågående ärende om ersättning för
    inställt flyg. Vill ni bara sälja biljetter och inte ta ansvar för vad som händer om det går fel. Om man ringer det svenska
    nummer som finns för kundtjänst så är det engelska eller turkiska som gäller. Skicka mig en gällande e-post adress jag
    kan använda.

  • Mahdi Khedri

    hello !
    do you have flight to Kabul Afghanistan, i want to travel from Swedan to Afghanistan by Turkish Airline. i found ticket but i do not know if you have travel from sweden to Afghanistan