Inquiries for Lost and Found Items and Delayed or Damaged Baggage

The below contacts are with in Japan

Lost/ Left behind:

Lost items will be kept at the arrival airport. If you have left something behind, please contact the relevant arrival airport.
Delayed or damaged baggage:

Contact the relevant arrival airport within 7 days of collecting your baggage.

Note: In some cases articles which are discovered within the airport rather than the aircraft cabin may be kept within the airport building or the local police station. Please inquire after confirming who you should contact.

When calling from outside Japan, dial the country code [81] and the number (omit the 0 if the number starts with 0).

City Lost and Found Hours of Operation Delayed or Damaged Baggage Hours of Operation
Narita 0476-33-2300 09:00-19:00 0476-33-2300 09:00-19:00
Haneda 03-6428-5045 09:00-19:00 03-6428-5045 09:00-19:00
Kansai 072-456-7575 09:00-17:00 072-456-7575 09:00-17:00
Nagoya 0569-38-8630 07:30-21:30 0569-38-8630 07:30-21:30

*Calls will be charged.
*The hours of operation are shown in local time.

For other countries, please visitĀ ANA Airlines – Airport Lost and Found, Delayed, Damaged Baggage

7 Responses

  1. Dear Sir/Ma’am

    This is related to one of our guest who was travelling from NRTDEL on 11th Jan by NH827
    Airline PNR NH/7I6HJU

    On arrival at DEL airport where the ANA flight arrived from NRT on 12th Jan, She found that her ear ring is missing.

    You are requested to Please advice if in case someone from your team has found it in Aircraft, if so kindly contact us on below no. and address

    Thanks and Regards
    Nasir Ali
    +91 9971638007
    Sr Executive MICE
    Uniglobe ATB
    M 95 Connaught Circus New Delhi

    1. Hi Nasir Ali,

      Please call this numbers and make a complaint immediately.
      0476-33-2300, 03-6428-5045, 072-456-7575, 0569-38-8630

      Support team.

  2. My luggage has been lost for a week now. I am traveling on business and have limited access to track. The file reference number that i have does not work in a search with ANA or UA. I fear it is gone forever. My ID is all over that bag not to mention inside the bag.

    what should i do now without a file reference number that works?

    1. Hi Ramona Greer,

      Please call the below numbers of ANA airlines lost and found support to check the status of the luggage.
      Narita: 0476-33-2300; Haneda: 03-6428-5045; Kansai: 072-456-7575; Nagoya: 0569-38-8630.

      Support team.

  3. I travelled with Ana on 11 March 2018, from Penang to Haneda.

    I checked in 3 luggages and 2 luggages were damaged. One is new luggage, first time used, the wheel was broken. Another one second time used, the slide stopped was broken n missing…

  4. I was on the connection flight from TOKYO/NRT to CHICAGO/ORD and I might left my laptop at the security. My laptop is Lenovo brand and is black. This is my Company laptop so on the top out site was stick small white sticker ” LEX-VN-L-W-X33A”

    My cell in USA : +1(754)-262-9730

    thank you

  5. Hello there, Iā€™m on a bike event and would like to get my luggage as I need the equipment within for use. The airlines misplaced my luggage which is my worse nightmare. I thought I chose the best airlines to avoid this types of issues but this still happens. Iā€™m in asia without my luggage and will only stay at hotel for 2 nights 1 days. Now I have to think about buying stuffs for use. This is very very upsetting and I would like for the reimbursement for all the chaos they cause
    My flight from Dan diego to Seatle using Alaska airline flight AS579. The from Seatle to TOKYO flight NH177 then to Hanoi flight NH897. I filed a missing luggage at Hanoi airport and donā€™t see any claim number I can make out is IF/VNBA/HKP2-243. Bag number is AS-09 76 85

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