How to change flight date / postpone / cancel the booked flight in Aeroflot Airline?
Change / reschedule your travel date in Aeroflot:
Here are the procedure to do online. You can also contact the travel agent to change your flight date
- Visit
- Enter the booking code, first name, last name (or)
- Enter Aeroflot ID, Email, Password (or)
- Click “Log in”
- Select the date you want to reschedule
- Confirm the submission.
How to get refund from Aeroflot airlines for unused / partially used flight tickets?
By online
- Visit
- Go to “My Bookings” and Click ‘request a refund’ under Flight details
- Enter the required details and make the payment if applicable.
Through Aeroflot Call Centre
- If you cannot request a refund online, you can fill the form here
- Enter the name, email, phone number
- Enter the 13-digit Aeroflot ticket number, booking code
- Enter the passenger name
- Click ‘Submit’
- Your request will be processed manually by the Aeroflot customer service person.
Through travel agent
- If you have booked a Aeroflot flight ticket through any travel agent, please contact them for a refund.
*Partially used tickets, taxes and fees will be refunded on a pro rata basis.
Aeroflot airlines Cancellation / Refund Fee for Domestic Network / Public Service Routes / International Network / Code Share Flights
Fares for Business Class, Economy Class, any Changes on flights, Cancellations/Refund, Discounts for children/infants on Aeroflot Airline, please click here.
Aeroflot Airline Offices Worldwide
Find Aeroflot Airlines Reservation | Town | Sales | Airport Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country
Aeroflot Baggage Allowance
View Aeroflot Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges, Airport Baggage rates in the above link.