Turkish Airlines Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire Sales Office Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy 8

Turkish Airlines Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire Sales Office Phone number, Address, Email, Working hours, Google map location

About Turkish Airline:
Turkish Airline was founded on 20 th May 1933. It is the national flag carrier airline of Turkey, headquartered at the Airlines General Management Building on the grounds of Atatürk Airport in Yeşilköy, Bakırköy, Istanbul.As of July 2015, it operates scheduled services to 290 destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, making it the fourth-largest carrier in the world by number of destinations, as of 2014.

Turkish Airline Abidjan City/Sales Office Address: Immeuble N’ZARAMA, BLVD LAGUNAIRE, Le Plateau, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire

Reservation office telephone contact numbers: 225 20 24 23 70


Working hours: Weekdays 09:00-17:00 / Saturday 09:00-13:00

Map: View location here

Official website: http://www.turkishairlines.com/

Check your flight status here: www.turkishairlines.com/flightstatus

Baggage services telephone contact numbers: 998 71 147 08 49 (Sales), (998-71) 147 0 850 (Cargo)

Customer Relation

For your feedback / Complaints, comments: +90 850 333 0 849

Miles&Smiles Call Center

You can call us to become a member for free and for all your questions about card advantages, awards and your mileage account

Phone: +90 850 333 0 849

General Management

Address: General Management Building Ataturk Airport, Yesilkoy 34149 Istanbul Turkey

Phone: +90 212 463 63 63

Fax: +90 212 465 21 21

Turkish Airlines Customer Care Support  Phone number, Email

Turkish Airlines Baggage Allowance

British Airways Baggage

View Turkish Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges, Airport Baggage rates in the above link.

List of Turkish Airlines Offices

Find Turkish Airlines Reservation | Town | Sales | Airport Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country

How to Web Check-in in Turkish Airlines?

Procedure to do web check-in or online check-in in Turkish Airlines

  1. Visit https://www.turkishairlines.com/en-in/flights/manage-booking/
  2. Select ‘Flights’ – ‘Manage Booking’ section.
  3. Enter the “Reservation code (PNR)” and “Passenger surname”.
  4. Click on “Check-in”.

How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Turkish Airlines?

Click the above link to view the procedure to change flight date / postpone / cancel and get refund in Turkish Airlines.

Travel during pregnancy in Turkish Airlines

Pregnancy rules in Turkish Airline:

  • Expectant mothers can travel in Turkish Airline till 36th week of the Single pregnancy and 32 week for multiple pregnancy.
  • After 28th week, a medical certificate is required to travel which stated that you are fit to travel from your doctor or midwife.
  • You must apply for medical clearance by submitting a medical information form (MEDIF).

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Turkish Airline

Total fleet: 333

  • Airbus A340-300
  • Airbus A330-300
  • Airbus A330-200
  • Airbus A321-200
  • Airbus A320-200
  • Airbus A319-132/100
  • Boeing B737-800
  • Boeing B737-700
  • A310 CARGO
  • A330-200F CARGO
  • Boeing 777-300ER
  • Boeing B737-900 ER
  • Embraer E195

Queries handled by Turkish Airline Customer care:

Flight Ticket Booking, Flight Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, Miles&Smiles

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8 thoughts on “Turkish Airlines Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire Sales Office Phone number, Address, Email, Online Check-in, Flight status, Travel with pets, Pregnancy


    Dear Madame\Sir
    I would like to cancel a seat reservation made by accident.
    Thank you in advance.
    My E-Ticket 2355772135488
    and Name: AHOUA

  • YAPO

    Bonjour je voudrais faire une réservation pour 2 billets adultes. mais le quota de ma carte pour les opérations d’achat en ligne est de 300 euros du fait de la crise liée au Covid-19. Est il possible de passer à vos bureaux pour le règlement par chèque?

  • Kofi Willy BRIGHT


    Pouvez-vous nous faire une cotation de fret aérien depuis Abidjan rendu LAS PALMAS airport (Gran canaria’s Islands/Spain)

    Destination: Las Palmas airport, Gran Canaria Islands, Spain

    Scope: Airfreight from Abidjan Airport to LAS PALMAD airport

    Dimensions: 205cm x 205cm x 35cm

    Gross weight: 1,300 Kg

    General cargo : machinery spare parts – non DG


    Collection point
    01 BP 453 Abidjan 01
    Côte d’Ivoire


    Bonjour, s’il vous plaît. J’aimerais prolonger mon séjour sur Istanbul de 3 jours. Voici mon itinéraire :
    Abidjan – Istanbul TK557 le 14mars à 01h50
    Retour prévu Istanbul – Abidjan TK561 le 19 mars
    J’aimerais rester sur Istanbul jusqu’au 23 départ de Istanbul à Abidjan.

  • Cynthia Fonta

    Dear Turkish airways customer care,

    I went to your office at plateau Abidjan in Cote d’Ivoire with my husband (07/05/2022), at 11 am to book a flight to London, Heathrow for 10//05/2022). We were received by an agent, a non-black male, seated at the first front desk to the right. He told us the cost of a one-way flight was 600 and something CFA, and equivalence of over 900 GBP. I told him I had checked online and it was much lower, and he replied saying there were no more spaces. We left and went to the airport and got the ticket for a more favorable price, for the same date, although we changed the dates since the prices were the same.

    My issue is this, the agent clearly was biased and made us feel insignificant. I am tempted to believe because of our blackness, we were treated this way. Made us feel less than ourselves and it was humiliating. He was unsmiling, unfriendly, and even unempathetic to help out. He just told us a high price to put us off, only for us to get a more favorable price at the airport.
    In conclusion, the agent had a very unlikeable and unfriendly personality to be in the customer service.



    Good day all
    We need to contact the Customer care for OK TO BOARD ISSUE. It’s very Urgent as Crew should move by Sunday.
    Your Phone number is not working.
    My name is Joseph AHOSSI Managing Director of 2A LOGISTICS , a vessel Agency Company in Cote d’Ivoire.
    We Have sent OK TO BOARD AND WAITING for confirmation.