Inquiries for Lost and Found Items and Delayed or Damaged Baggage

The below contacts are with inĀ USA / Canada

Lost/ Left behind:

Lost items will be kept at the arrival airport. If you have left something behind, please contact the relevant arrival airport.
Delayed or damaged baggage:

Contact the relevant arrival airport within 7 days of collecting your baggage.

Note: In some cases articles which are discovered within the airport rather than the aircraft cabin may be kept within the airport building or the local police station. Please inquire after confirming who you should contact.

When calling from outside the United States, dial the country code [1] and the number.

City Lost and Found Hours of Operation
S = Summer Timetable
W = Winter Timetable
Delayed or Damaged Baggage Hours of Operation
S = Summer Timetable
W = Winter Timetable
Los Angeles 310-646-1480 8:00-16:00/
19:30-00:00 (W)
310-646-1480 8:00-16:00/
19:30-00:00 (W)
San Francisco 650-821-0262 08:15-10:30/
13:20-16:00 (S)
13:00-15:00 (W)
650-821-0262 08:15-10:30/
13:20-16:00 (S)
13:00-15:00 (W)
San Jose 408-441-5468 09:15-15:30 (S)
08:15-14:30 (W)
408-441-5468 09:15-15:30 (S)
08:15-14:30 (W)
Seattle 206-246-2986 08:30-17:00 (S)
07:30-16:00 (W)
206-246-2986 08:30-17:00 (S)
07:30-16:00 (W)
Washington D.C. 703-972-0061 07:30-16:00 (S)
06:30-15:00 (W)
703-972-0061 07:30-16:00 (S)
06:30-15:00 (W)
New York 718-425-5415 08:00-16:30 (S)
07:00-15:30 (W)
718-425-5415 08:00-16:30 (S)
07:00-15:30 (W)
Chicago 773-686-5216 05:30-19:00 (S)
05:30-18:00 (W)
773-686-5216 05:30-19:00 (S)
05:30-18:00 (W)
Houston 832-626-2450 07:00-15:30 832-626-2450 07:00-15:30
Vancouver 604-207-5800 11:00-19:00 604-233-1176 09:30-17:30
Honolulu 808-838-0190
Ext. 214
8:00-16:00 808-838-0190
Ext. 214

*Calls will be charged.
*The hours of operation are shown in local time.

For other countries, please visitĀ ANA Airlines – Airport Lost and Found, Delayed, Damaged Baggage

One Response

  1. Dear Sir

    I flew on 26 Jan 2018 Singapore to Chicago via Haneda.
    Flight No NH844 SIN ā€“ Haneda
    Flight No. NH112 Haneda ā€“ Chicago ORD

    All 3 zips in my luggages are damaged as the lock is also missing.
    I like to make a claim for the luggage repair.

    I will be flying back to Singapore on 3 Feb 2018.

    Please let me know how ANA is going to pay for the zip repairs.

    Best Regards

    MOBILE : 65-96652640

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