What is Yellow Fever (YF)? Where to test, vaccinate, Cost? Search the list of Yellow Fever Vaccination Center by Country
What is Yellow Fever (YF)?
Yellow Fever (YF) is another viral infection caused by YF Virus which is mainly transmitted through infected mosquitoes.
What are the symptoms of Yellow Fever?
- Fever (mild to severe)
- Head ache
- Muscle pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Jaundice which causes skin and eyes in yellow color
- Bleeding
What are the 3 types of Yellow Fever transmission cycles?
- Sylvatic (or jungle) yellow fever: Spreads when monkeys are bitten by wild mosquitoes that pass the virus on to other monkeys and humans.
- Intermediate yellow fever: It spreads hen semi-domestic mosquitoes infect both monkeys and people. This is the most common type of outbreak in Africa.
- Urban yellow fever: It cause large epidemics when infected people introduce the virus into heavily populated areas with high mosquito density and where people have little immunity.
Is Yellow Fever vaccination and proof of vaccination mandatory to travel through flight / airline from certain Countries?
- Yes. If you are traveling from the below mentioned countries in a table, Yellow Fever Vaccine is mandatory and vaccination certificate is also required to board the flight.
- Always check the entry requirement of your destination country for Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate before booking the flight.
Countries/areas at risk of Yellow Fever transmission, as per the WHO International Travel and Health guidelines, are:
SĆ£o Paulo – InauguraĆ§Ć£o da linha final de produĆ§Ć£o da vacina contra febre amarela na unidade Libbs FarmacĆŖutica, uma empresa privada que fez acordo de transferĆŖncia de tecnologia com o Instituto de Tecnologia em ImunobiolĆ³gicos (Bio-Manguinhos) da Fiocruz (Rovena Rosa/AgĆŖncia Brasil)
Angola | Colombia | Gambia | Niger | Surinam |
Argentina | Congo | Ghana | Nigeria | Togo |
Bolivia | CĆ“te dāIvoire | Guinea Benin | Panama | Trinidad and Tobago |
Brazil | DR Congo | Guinea-Bissau | Paraguay | Uganda |
Burkina Faso | Ecuador | Guyana | Peru | Venezuela |
Burundi | Equatorial Guinea | Kenya | Senegal | |
Cameroon | Ethiopia | Liberia | Sierra Leone | |
Central African Republic | French Guiana | Mali | South Sudan | |
Chad | Gabon | Mauritania | Sudan |
Countries with low potential for exposure to yellow fever (YF) virus
- Eritrea
- Rwanda
- SĆ£o TomĆ© and PrĆncipe
- Somalia
- Tanzania
- Zambia
Which Country requires proof of yellow fever (YF) Vaccination certificate from all the passengers / travelers?
Angola | Central African Republic | Gabon | Niger | Uganda |
Benin | Congo, Repubic of the | Ghana | Sierra Leone | |
Burkina Faso | CĆ“te dāIvoire | Guinea2 | South Sudan | |
Burundi | Democratic Republic of Congo | Guinea-Bissau | Sudan | |
Cameroon | French Guiana | Mali | Togo |
Diet for Yellow Fever Patients
To get over the disease at the earliest, it is important to pay attention to the diet of a yellow fever patient. Some essential diet tips to follow in yellow fever are:
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Eat lots of fresh fruits like mango, and papaya, which are loaded with digestive enzymes
- Eat fresh and green vegetables
- Consider high-fiber food options like oats, whole grains, and nuts
- Take plenty of rest to give time for your body to heal.
YF (Yellow Fever) Vaccination Clinics in Canada
Email: If you have any queries, contact phac.yellow.fever-fievre.jaune.aspc@canada.ca
How to apply to become a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre? (Download the application and attestation form)
- You can also apply to become a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre in Canada.
- Download the application form and attestation form
United States (US)
Which Countries had the risk of Yellow Fever Transmission?
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.
Which YF (Yellow Fever) Vaccine is licensed to use in the United States (US)?
According to CDC, the vaccine named “YF-Vax, Sanofi Pasteur” is licensed to use for YF virus.
*Always check from the reputed medical institutions
YF (Yellow Fever) Vaccination Clinics in USA
Email: If you have any queries, contact CDC atĀ dqyellowfever@cdc.gov
Cost of YF (Yellow Fever) Vaccination is $ 180
Is yellow vaccination (ICVP) required to enter Malaysia?
Yes it is safe to show the proof of yellow fever vaccination.
Yellow Fever Vaccine Clinic in Malaysia
Address: Sunway Medical Centre
5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Phone+603-7491 9191 / +603-5566 9191
Whatsapp: +6019 388 3281 (For Medical Enquiry ONLY)
Fax: +603-7491 8181
Operation Hours: Monday ā Friday: 8.30am ā 5.00pm
Saturday: 8.30am ā 1.00pm
Email: smc@sunway.com.my
Website: https://www.sunwaymedical.com/en/yellow-fever-vaccine
Requirements at Point of Entry
- If you’re travelling to Egypt (9 months or over), you must provide Yellow Fever Vaccination certificate of an international vaccination certificate as specified in Annex 6 of the IHR.
- For travellers having transited for more than 12 hours in an airport of a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.
Which countries have the risk of Yellow fever transmission?
Africa: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, CĆ“te d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo and Uganda.
Which Countries with risk of Poliovirus?
- Afghanistan – Malawi – Mozambique – Pakistan – Madagascar – Democratic Republic of the Congo.
All residents and long-term visitors (more than 4 weeks) to countries with the potential risk of international spread of polio virus, receive a dose of bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (bOPV) or inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) vaccine between 4 weeks and 12 months prior to traveling to Egypt.
Who needed additional doses for Yellow Fever?
- Woman who were pregnant when first vaccinated.
- Persons who received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant following their last dose of yellow fever vaccine
- Persons who’re HIV-infected
- Travelers who received yellow fever vaccine at least 10 years previously and who will be in a higher-risk setting based on season, location, activities, and duration of their travel
- Laboratory workers who routinely handle wild-type yellow fever virus.
1.At what season yellow fever spread?
- West Africa – During the late rainy and early dry seasons (July to October)
- Brazil – Highest during the rainy season (January to March)
2. Where does yellow fever occur?
- It occurs in 47 endemic countries in Africa in Central and South America. Around 90% of cases reported every year occur in Sub-Saharan Africa.
3. Am I protected from yellow fever immediately following vaccination?
- It takes 10 to 14 days from the date of vaccination for a person to develop immunity to the yellow fever virus.
- The vaccination certificate for yellow fever is valid from 10 days after administration of the vaccine for recipients.
4. Who manages the yellow fever vaccine supply for routine immunization and preventive mass campaign?
- WHO and UNICEF have the oversight role in tracking and supplying yellow fever vaccine for routine immunization. The YF Initiative (YFI) led by WHO and UNICEF coordinates yellow fever control at the global level.
5. How is it diagnosed?
- Yellow fever is difficult to diagnose (especially during the early stages) because its symptoms can be confused with other common diseases such as malaria, dengue, leptospirosis and Zika virus, as well as with poisoning.
6. How can people reduce the chance of getting infected with yellow fever virus?
- When you go outdoors, use insect repellent.
- Wear proper clothing to reduce mosquito bites
- Be aware of peak mosquito hours.
Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Yellow Fever (YF) Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.
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Please, my friend, Henry Kwame Obeng, and myself – Philip Dordor-Gasu of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission are
to travel to Jamaica for an international meeting organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A).
The I.A.E.A. has bought a round-trip ticket for the meeting for us from Accra, Ghana to Jamaica.
The itinerary requires that we make transit to Istanbul and New York.
We want to find out from your office if we will need a transit visa for the transit to Istanbul and New York.