Ethiopian Airlines Luanda, Angola City Office Phone number, Address, Email, Working hours, Google map location

Ethiopian Airlines was established in 21 December 1945, commenced operations in 8 April 1946 which is the Ethiopia’s flag carrier airline and is owned by the Ethiopian country’s government. It has its head quarter in Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa. Airlines serves a network of 113 passenger destinations where 19 of them are domestic and 35 freighter destinations and is the largest on the African continent.
Ethiopian Luanda City Office Address: Largo 4 De Fevereiro Hotel Presidente Meridian
Ethiopian Airlines P.O. Box 1044, Angola-Luanda
Telephone contact numbers: Reservation Desk- (222)310328
Sales Team-(222)310615
Email: City Ticket office;
Working hours Mon – Fri 08:00-16:00 (Working through lunch)
Sat 08-1200 & Sun Closed
Map: View location here
Official website:
Online Check-in: check-in
Check flight status here:
Check flight schedule here:
Baggage services telephone contact numbers:
(202) 2180 0935, 2180 0936, 2180 0937, 2180 0392
Call Center: Toll-Free: 080 0000 0411
Ethiopian Airlines Baggage Allowance
View Ethiopian Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, overweight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.
Customer care / support
Customer Contact Centre: 000 800 100 7947
Contact Centre Business Hours: N/A
Ethiopian Airlines Customer Care Phone number | Email
Special assistance
Travel during pregnancy in Ethiopian Airlines
Pregnancy rules:
- Expectant mothers can travel in Ethiopian Airlines till 34th week of the Single pregnancy and 36 week for multiple pregnancy.
- you must apply for medical clearance by submitting a medical information form (MEDIF) (Download PDF)
*For any special assistance, Contact:
How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Ethiopian Airlines?
View How to change mistakes in your name, flight date and refund ticket in Ethiopian AirlinesĀ through the above link.
Ethiopian Special Meals
Asian Vegetarian, Bland, Diabetic, Fruit Platter, Gluten-Free, Hindu Non-Veg, Kosher, Low Calorie, Low Fat, Low Salt, Muslim, No Lactose, No Salt, Vegetarian Raw, Seafood, Vegetarian Vegan.
*For any Queries, contact:
How to Web Check-in Ethiopian Airlines?
Procedure to do web check-in or online check-in Ethiopian Airlines
- Visit
- Select “Booking Reference” or “Ticket Numbers”
- Enter the “Booking Reference” or “Ticket Numbers” and “Last Name”
- Click “Check-in”
List of Ethiopian Airlines Offices Worldwide
Find Ethiopian AirlinesĀ Reservation | Town | Sales | Airport Offices Contact details such as Address, Phone number, Location, Email and more details in your country.
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Ethiopian Airlines
Total fleet: 82
- Airbus A350-900
- Boeing 737-700
- Boeing 737-800
- Boeing 737 MAX 8
- Boeing 767-300ER
- Boeing 777-200LR
- Boeing 777-300ER
- Boeing 787-8
- Boeing 787-9
- Bombardier Dash 8 Q400
- Boeing 757-200PCF (Cargo Fleet)
- Boeing 777F (Cargo Fleet)
Queries handled by Ethiopian Airlines airlines Customer care:
Flight Ticket Booking, Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, ShebaMiles
Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Ethiopian Airlines Luanda City Office Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.
Rate your experience with the Ethiopian Airlines City Office in Angola: (click on the stars below)
Boa tarde,
venho por este meio solicitar informacao relactivamente ao valor do bilheite de passage Luanda para ethiopian e de ethiopian para Seoul na corea de soul.
agradeco mais informacao relactivamente as outras opcoes para se chegar a corea de soul em Seoul.
Boa tarde,
venho por este meio solicitar informacao relactivamente ao valor do bilheite de passagem e aos dias da semana que tenham voo de Luanda para manila.
agradeco mais informacao relactivamente as outras opcoes para se chegar a corea de soul em Seoul.
Boa tarde,
venho por este meio solicitar informacao relactivamente ao valor do bilheite de passagem e aos dias da semana que tenham voo de Luanda para manila.
agradeco mais informacao relactivamente as outras opcoes para se chegar a filipinas.
all your phone number that listed in your web sit is not working please do something.
Hi Team,
Please I need your support to know the price of the ticket from Luanda to China Ngwanzu and back in Luanda.
please I need to travel on next week.
Please I need your support to know the price of the ticket from Luanda to London and back in Luanda.
please I need to travel on the 13/09/2018 or 15/11/2018.
Good afternoon
I heard that ethiopian airlines is recruting assistants on board, I would like to update me more, because i want to apply via email, please help me out, I have those qualifications that meet those requirements published.
Hi Team,
Please I need your support to know the price of the ticket from Luanda to New York and back in Luanda.
please I need to travel on next month.
Paulo Miguel
I need to take a flight from LAD to Kenya (to NBO), country where I’ll be on duties beginning of September.
I know that ET flights are coming time to time to Luanda from Addis Abeba. For instance this morning arrived ET851 (A350 ET-AUB).
Like other carriers (TAP or AF) I know that is possible to have Ā«authorized passengersĀ» on this non scheduled flights, after Embassy authorizations + INAVIC, even under country locked for commercial planes.
I am diplomat, and I used already such flights before. I am wandering if is there any chance of getting a place to ADD in a flight from 28/AUG to 1SEP.
May you prefer to reply by phone to +244 923 330 483.
Many thanks in advance,
Desejo uma passagem de Luanda para Johannesburg com partida em 10 de Novembro com regresso 10 de Dezembro.
gostava que me enviassem a cotaĆ§Ć£o. NĆ£o importa a rota.
Are fully vaccinated Zimbabwean returning residents no longer required to submit a negative PCR test in Luanda for trips to Harare in line with the announcement made by the Zimbabwean Government end of March 2022? I have an upcoming trip on Good Friday.
Prezados Srs,
A MUNDO STARTEL, S.A. sociedade constituĆda nos termos da lei vigentes na RepĆŗblica de Angola, com sua sede situada em Angola – Luanda, no
Bairro dos Correios, Rua da PolĆcia, MunicĆpio do Rangel, titular do nĀŗ 5403089462 de identificaĆ§Ć£o Fiscal.
Venho por este meio solicitar as vossas coordenadas bancaria para efetuarmos pagamento referente a compra de dois bilhetes de passagem. Remeto em anexo as reserva para os bilhetes.
Aguardamos pela vossa resposta, urgente.
Santos da Costa
Assistente Administrativo
+244 943 096 703
+244 998 086 043
+244 227 27 27 27
Mundo Startel SA, Rua da Policia S/N, Bairro dos Correios,
Rangel, Luanda – Angola
Startel, a Sua LigaĆ§Ć£o
My name is EstĆŖvĆ£o Benjamim, i travelled from Dubai to Luanda, via Addis Ababa on 9th December, since then my luggage is missing. I lodged a complain though Gassist (Luanda handling company) so far no response was given to me about the its whereabouts . Each time I go to their office asking for the luggage they check the system and immediately they tell me to check on the next flight. it does not seams to be serious! I also went to see your representative at 4 de Fevereiro, Mr AntĆ³nio. no solution so far, maybe using this chanel will help…..
Please do give me my luggage and I will never botter you again flying with your company