List of Airlines in Africa

View the list of airlines in Africa and their contact details such as address, phone number, location, email, fax, website, online check in details, flight status, baggage details such as checked baggage, cabin baggage, excess baggage rates, visa and more details.

The below table lists all the countries in Africa. Click to know the airlines of specific country.

Algeria Congo, Democratic Republic of Guinea-Bissau Morocco South Africa
Angola Ivory Coast Mozambique South Sudan
Benin Djibouti Kenya Namibia Sudan
Botswana Egypt Lesotho Niger Swaziland
Burkina Faso Equatorial Guinea Liberia Nigeria Tanzania
Burundi Eritrea Libya Rwanda Togo
Cameroon Ethiopia Madagascar São Tomé and Príncipe Tunisia
Cape Verde Gabon Malawi Senegal Uganda
Central African Republic The Gambia Mali Seychelles Zambia
Chad Ghana Mauritania Sierra Leone Zimbabwe
Comoros Guinea Mauritius Somalia