Nusantara Buana Air was an Indonesian airline serving destinations in Aceh from its hubs at Medan Polonia Airport and Banda Aceh Airport. Nusantara Buana Air is listed in category 2 by Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority for airline safety quality.

Nusantara Buana Air in Medan, Indonesia

Address: Medan, Indonesia

Phone: NA

Email: NA

Fax: NA

Official website: NA

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Nusantara Buana Air

Fleet size: 05

Queries handled by Nusantara Buana Air Customer care:

Schedule, eBooking, Rescheduling, Track and Trace, Charter Service Queries, Trucking service Queries, e-claims Flight Information, Missing Luggage, Delayed Flights. Pharma, pets, valuable, perishable goods and extra care shipment queries.

Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Nusantara Buana Air in Medan, Indonesia Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.

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