Salon-de-Provence Air Base in Salon, France 1

Verified & Updated on: 20/11/21

Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701) in Salon, Salon Contact Address, Phone number, Email, Location Map, Website

Address: Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701), Chemin St Jean, 13661 Salon-de-Provence, France

Working hours: NA

Phone: +33 4 90 17 80 00

Email: NA

Fax: NA

Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701) Website:

Map: View direction of Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701) here

Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701) IATA code: NA

Salon-de-Provence Air Base (BA 701) ICAO code: LFMY

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One thought on “Salon-de-Provence Air Base in Salon, France

  • maritta anneli segura

    Dear General Philippe Lavigne or General Stephane Mille,
    My name is Maritta Anneli Segura. I currently live in Finland. I have dual nationality, British and Finnish. I hate both. Finland have been keeping me prisoner in Finland. I am on income support because I have brain damage. I have found a way to get out the country and move to France. I want to join and train with the French air force. I am a fighter pilot of the future. I am adopted to a Chilean father and a Finnish mother. My adopted father has superior IQ and noticed that I also have superior IQ as a baby so he paid a brain surgeon to destroy my brain when I was a toddler. My adopted mother has been dead for 16 years. I have had my life wasted. I am the second comeing, the assainator of evil, and the prophet Mohamed as predicted in the original Koran. What needs to happen is that I am taken somewhere to a safe, private place were I am shot and killed so that I can go to heaven and be cremated. My body has served it’s purpose. In heaven I will get rid of God who is evil and establish a new God who is good and will get rid of the corona virus. I will then come back to earth in a new body and brain. Superior IQ and be as strong as a man capable of going through 8 or 9 G’s. Finland and Great Britain knows this and are refusing to have me killed. They want to waste my life. They are also scared they dont want me to join an air force. I know how to fly a lear jet. I learnt on micro soft flight simulator on my computer at home aged 18. I was good. For example I landed a lear jet on a stationary aircraft carrier three quarters of the way in using thrust reversers first attempt. I plan to fly to France on Wednsday 24.11. I will stay the night at a hotel. The next day I will then make my way to either Bordeaux-Merignac air force base or salon-de-Provence air force base. I will ask to speak to the commander in chief. We can take it from there. I am willing to take a lie detector test. There is a lot of sexual rubbish on the internet and elsewhere of me. It went on behind my back and I have not recived any money from it. It is a coverup for war. The whole world is involved. I will elaborate further in person. I look forward to seeing you. You can email me if you want to. I am not promiscuos. No sex from me to other fighter pilots. I want to get married at some point. Also I will apply through the proper channels. I dont axpect any specail treatment because of who I am or my gender. My email is [email protected] Thank you from Maritta Segura.