Wenzhou Longwan International Airport in Wenzhou, China Address / Phone / Email / Location / Website
Address: Wenzhou Longwan International Airport, 1 Airport Ave, Longwan Qu, Wenzhou Shi, Zhejiang Sheng, China
Working hours: NA
Phone: +86 577 96555
Email: NA
Fax: NA
Wenzhou Longwan International Airport Website: http://www.wzair.cn/?rxLoad=1&_rand=1517547643692
Wenzhou Longwan International Airport IATA code: WNZ
Wenzhou Longwan International Airport ICAO code: ZSWZ
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Hello Sir/Madam,
I am student and a passenger for your plane, flight no. SC8830 and SC225, and my destination is Wenzhou, Zhejiang province in Hangzhou.
I am currently in India and my Visa expires around the same date I’m supposed to depart. Therefore, I was wondering what the status of the flights was. Are they operational in spite of the Coronavirus outbreak? Will passengers have to be quarantined on arrival or are all flights cancelled up to further notice? And if they are, will they be freely postponed and how will we be notified about postponement?
Kind regards