APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC): What is it, benefits, eligibility, how to apply and track ABTC Pre-clearance?Status

What is an ABTC?

APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC), a card issued to business travelers and senior government officials to meet certain requirements. APEC manages the ABTC program, which it refers to as the ABTC scheme. The ABTC scheme seeks to facilitate travel in the APEC region.

What are the benefits of ABTC?

It gives frequent business travellers:

Who’re eligible for APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)?

  1. Must hold a valid passport from an APEC economy (or)
  2. Be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong, China)
  3. Must engage in regular business travel throughout the APEC region
  4. Should not have any criminal conviction.

How to apply for an ABTC?

Each economy should follow the guidelines and processes for applying for an ABTC, which includes application forms, fees and applicant screening.

  • You can make a single application to the economy for which they hold a passport (home economy)
  • You must be a permanent residence in the case of Hong Kong, China.
  • If the economy assesses the application as meeting, the applicantā€™s details are provided to the other participating economies who conduct their own assessment of whether to grant pre-clearance.
  • When all economies have made a pre-clearance decision, the applicant receives an ABTC that lists the economies to which they have permission to travel.
  • Each economy is responsible for managing the processing of their own pre-clearance applications
  • No economy has any influence over the processing timeframes of another.

What’s the validity period for ABTC Card?

  • Maximum validity of five years (Check the expiration date on your card)

How to track ABTC Pre-clearance Status?

If the home economy has approved the application, you can monitor which economies have provided pre-clearance using the ABTC Pre-clearance Status Tracker. If you’re applying through Canada or the United States, you may check your application status through your TTP account.

How to track ABTC Pre-clearance Status

  1. Visit https://www.abtc-aps.org/abtc-core/status/check.html
  2. Enter the economy applied
  3. Enter the application number.

Where you can find about ABTC lanes arrangements at airports, length of stay granted to APEC Cardholders and average foreign pre-clearance processing time?

APEC Economy ABTC lane arrangements in major international airports Length of stay granted to foreign ABTC holders Average ABTC application pre-clearance processing time at March 2007 (working days) Website Contact
Australia APEC lanes are signposted, located at the far left of immigration concourses, and are shared with aircrew. They are available in both the arrival and departure halls of the following major airports: 90 days Foreign applicants: 21 days Australia Information for Australian passport holders
Information for non-Australian passport holders https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/entering-andleaving-australia/business-travel-card/foreign-applicants
Brunei Darussalam Special APEC lanes are provided at: 90 days Foreign applicants: not available http://www.immigration.gov.bn info@immigration.gov.bn
Brunei International Airport
Canada APEC lane arrangements in major international airports. Special APEC lanes are provided at: Valid visas must be obtained if required by existing Canadian law. Not applicable http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/abtc-cvaa/menu-eng.html abtc-cvaa@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca
Chile Special APEC lanes are provided at: 90 days Foreign applicants: 15 days http://www.extranjeria.gov.cl/ aroa@serviciomigraciones.cl
Santiago International Airport
China Special APEC lanes are provided at: 60 days Foreign applicants: not available http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/zggmcg/apecshlxk/ abtc@mfa.gov.cn
Beijing International Airport
Pudong International Airport (Shanghai)
Hong Kong (China) APEC lanes are signposted and located in the Arrival and Departure Halls, and shared with Hong Kong Residents and Travel Pass holders at: 60 days Foreign applicants: 14 days http://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/visas/apec_business_travel_card.html visitors@immd.gov.hk
Hong Kong International Airport
APEC Lanes are also available at selected ferry points and land control terminals.
Indonesia APEC lanes are signposted and located in the Arrival and Departure Halls at: 60 days Foreign applicants: 25 days http://www.imigrasi.go.id/ abtc@imigrasi.go.id
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Jakarta)
Ngurah Rai International Airport (Bali)
Polonia International Airport (Medan)
Juanda International Airport (Surabaya)
Batam International Ferry Ports
Japan APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 90 days Foreign applicants: < 14 days Information for
Japan passport holders http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/apec/btc/index.html
Narita International Airport (Narita)
Haneda Airport (Tokyo)
Kansai International Airport (Osaka)
Central Japan International Airport (Centrair, Nagoya)
Korea APEC lanes are signposted and located at: Incheon International Airport (Seoul) 90 days Foreign applicants: < 14 days Information and Application system for Korea passport holders
Website: http://abtc.kita.net
Call center of KITA: 82 1566 5114
Officer in Charge: bordercontrol@korea.kr
Malaysia APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 60 days Foreign applicants: 14 days Department Of Immigration Malaysia, Visa, Pass & Permit Division, No.15, 1st Floor
(Podium), Persiaran Perdana, Precint 2, Federal Government Administration Centre 62550
PUTRAJAYA (APEC Business Travel Card Unit)
Nor Shima Izni Ahmad Shihamah –
Siti Juraidah Hussein –
Nurul Huda Mohamad Abbas –
Mohamad Syahar Azizan –
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
Mexico APEC Cardholders are entitled to use immigration lanes currently designated forĀ  air-crew upon entry at major international airports. APEC lanes are signposted. 90 days Foreign applicants: www.gob.mx/inm
New Zealand APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 90 days Foreign applicants: 17 days Information for New Zealand passport holders
Information of non-New Zealand passport holders (https://www.immigration.govt.nz/newzealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/about-visa/apec-business-travel-card)
Auckland International Airport – clearly marked lane in the arrival hall.
Christchurch International Airport-shared lane with aircrew, located in the arrival hall.
Wellington International Airport.
Papua New Guinea APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 60 days Foreign applicants: 14 Days http://www.immigration.gov.pg/apec/42-apec-business-travel-card-sceme.html abtc@immigration.gov.pg
Jackson International Airport (Port Moresby)
Peru APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 90 days Foreign applicants: > 30 days http://portal.rree.gob.pe/sitepages/abtc.aspx cdelcastillo@rree.gob.pe, ssolorzanov@rree.gob.pe, tarjetas-abtc@rree.gob.pe
Jorge ChƔvez International Airport (Lima)
Philippines APEC lanes are signposted and located at: 59 days Foreign applicants: Not Available https://consular.dfa.gov.ph/visainformation/25-visa/226-apec-business-travel-card Fax: +632 836-7763, Email address: oca.abtc@dfa.gov.ph
Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Manila)
Russia Ā  vladimir.kristov@yahoo.com
Singapore APEC lanes are signposted and shared with Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents at: 60 days Foreign applicants: 14 working days Information for Singapore passport holders
Changi International Airport (Singapore)
Chinese Taipei Signposted APEC lanes are available in both the arrival and departure terminals. 90 days Foreign applicants: 10- 14 days https://www.boca.gov.tw/lp-42-1.html abtc@boca.gov.tw
Chiang Kai Shek International Airport (Taipei)
Kaohsiung International Airport
Thailand Signposted APEC lanes are available in both the arrival and departure terminals at: 90 days Foreign applicants: 1 day Home applications: 14 days Thailand Information and Application system for Thailand passport holders (http://www.abtcjsccib.org)
abtc@jsccib.org, sutee@jsccib.org
Bangkok International Airport
Phuket International Airport
Chiang Mai International Airport
United States APEC Cardholders are entitled to useĀ ā€™fast-trackā€™ immigration lanes (which in most instances is the air-crew lane)Ā upon entry at all international airports. Valid visas must be obtained if required by existing United States law Not applicable https://www.cbp.gov/travel/trusted-traveler-programs/apec-faqs Toll Free: 1-877-CBP-5511 (877-227-5511)
Outside the United States: 202-
Viet Nam Signposted APEC lanes are available in both the arrival and departure terminals. 60 days Foreign applicants: 16 days https://lanhsuvietnam.gov.vn/Lists/BaiViet/B%C3%A0i%20vi%E1%BA%BFt/DispForm.aspx?List=
Noi Bai International Airport (Hanoi)
Tan Son Nhat International Airport (Ho Chi Minh City)

For more information such as how to apply ABTCAPEC Business travel card, ABTC travel requirements, visit http://travel.apec.org/abtc-summary.html

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